There are no lines.

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There are no lines,
As the woods of silent pines.
As the glittering stars,
Wit brightens,and manners shine.

Stop learning ancient signs,
No old men are left behind,
Respect your beloved wives,
and avoid cheap wines.

After all, we can never be happy following the others' lines,
Got to do, for what we're designed,
Whether bake a cake,or write several lines,
Paint a canvas,or study science.
Plant a tree, or look over some books' piles,
Do whatever a thing, but must know there isn't much time.

You've to leave some marks behind,
So the next people
could see,
Never to do what's confined,
Stop building things
black and white,
Stop filling dirt in your minds.

Let's stand, side by side.
Gather people
of every
So, the inner beauty
of every being
could be


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07/06/18 | Thu.
3:52 a.m.

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