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Luke's P.O.V.

I’m so glad that Faith and I are back to normal. I wish it was just a little bit more, though.

Now that she has Ashton as a boyfriend, I’ve realized how much I love her. It hurts to see them together. It hurts to see them slowly falling in love with each other. It hurts to see someone else make her happy.

It kinda feels like we broke up, but we didn’t. We were never even dating. I know she doesn’t like me now. That’s what hurts the most.

All of these memories of us being together and having fun are flooding my mind.

I remember the day two years ago when we got asked to go to London and open for One Direction. I had all of these mixed emotions. I was nervous, excited, happy, anxious, scared, and upset. I remember so clearly how I told Faith.

Two Years Ago

I ran to her house. We lived a mile away from each other, but I needed to tell her. I couldn’t wait for my mum to get home from work. As I jogged up to her porch and knocked on her door, I tried so hard to catch my breath. She opened the door to me panting for air.

"Luke, why are you so out of breath?" She asked with a giggle. I walked in and she closed the door behind me. I turned around and smiled so big my cheeks hurt.

"5 Seconds of Summer was asked to open for One Direction on their Take Me Home tour." A huge grin grew on her lips and she jumped into my arms. She was squealing with excitement. I couldn’t help, but laugh.

"Holy shit, Luke! This is so crazy!" She said as she stepped out of my arms. "When are you guys leaving?" She asked.

My smile faded a little. “We leave in three days for London. We won’t be back until April or May and then we would have to go to America for another three or four months.”

Her smile turned into a small frown. The happiness in her eyes faded into sorrow. I could tell she was upset. “Oh.” She said quietly.

It was January. That meant we wouldn’t see each other for at least four months. That actually broke my heart. What broke it even more was seeing tears fall out of Faith’s eyes. She quickly wiped away them away with her palm. I pulled her into my arms. She cried into my chest.

Seeing her this upset hurt me. It hurt me more than it should since we’re only best friends. That’s when it hit me. I liked her. A lot.

I didn’t want to leave her behind. I didn’t want to leave this beautiful girl. “Come with us.” I whispered.

She stepped back from me with a surprised look on her face. “What?” She asked.

"Come with us! You’ve always helped us book gigs and stuff. We need you to be with us on tour. You’re practically our manager. It’d be stupid not to take you with us." The tears started to stop and she started to smile. She hugged me so tight. It felt nice.

"I’ll ask my mum when she gets home." She mumbled into my chest. I smiled and let go of her.

"Great. Call me after you ask. Then come over so we can have a movie night." She smiled and nodded. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out the door.


It’s weird to think that all of that happened two years ago and now I’m here on a tour bus that’s currently on it’s way to Toronto, Canada at 3AM while everyone else on this bus is passed out.

I was actually thinking that bringing Faith on tour would cause us to date, but sadly it didn’t. Now she has a boyfriend and I’m just second best.

I started to think about things. I started to think about how Faith has acted around me. She’s always been so loving towards me and always wanted to be there for me. Now that I think about, that’s how I feel about her now.

Has Faith ever liked me? Does she like me now? Is her relationship with Ashton just a bunch of bullshit? Could she possibly love me back?

There was only one way to find out. It’s a good thing we have a day off tomorrow and we planned on having a best friend day. This means I can find out what she’s really feeling.


hi sorry i havent updated in forever. ive been super busy with graduation parties and stuff and getting ready for college. im gonna try and update tomorrow cause this was lame and super short so yeah

what do you guys think?? do you think luke and faith will become a thing finally??

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