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Faith’s P.O.V.

Luke and I sat in the back of the cab he had gotten for us for the day. We sat in silence listening to the radio. It was a classic rock station. I was daydreaming and staring out the window, when A Drop In the Ocean by Ron Pope came on. I turned to look at Luke and we both smiled at the same time.

That was my favorite song. I told Luke to cover it because I thought it would fit his voice well. Now it has thousands of views on YouTube.

I just sat there and listened to the song. I remembered why I liked the song so much. It described how I felt about Luke. Then all at once, I fell in love with Luke again.

'Fuck' I thought to myself. I was doing so well and of course, the day I'm alone with Luke I fall in love again. Well shit.

"Here’s your stop!" The driver said. Luke and I hopped out of the car. Luke payed the man and told him to come back for us at 6. The man agreed and drove off, leaving Luke and I alone.

Luke came and stood next to me and smiled. I looked around and noticed we were in front of a dirt path. He put his arm out and I hooked mine in his. “Where to, Mr. Hemmings?” I asked.

Luke pointed at the path. “Down this trail. I asked a man this morning what there was to do in Toronto and he told me about this place, so I thought we should check it out.” He shrugged his shoulders.

"Sounds like fun!" Luke smiled and we started walking down the trail. It took us through a forest. It was green everywhere you looked and there were birds chirping in the trees above. It was beautiful.

After walking for about ten minutes, we were in a meadow. There were splashes of color from the wildflowers growing and long blades of grass. Luke walked ahead of me and laid down in the long grass. I followed behind and did the same.

As I looked up to the sky, I had just noticed how nice it was out. The sky was a perfect shade of blue. Just looking at it made me feel relaxed. I closed my eyes and let the serenity take over me.

"Faith?" Luke said, bringing me out of my peacefulness and back into reality. I turned my head and looked at him. He was staring up at the sky.

"What is it, Luke?" He let out a shaky sigh and closed his eyes.

"I don’t know how to say this." He said, opening his eyes.

My heart started to gain speed. What was going on? “Luke, you can tell me anything.” He sighed again and sat up. I sat up after him and stared at him questioningly.

"Okay." He said quietly. He sat himself across from me and stared into my eyes. Wow, his eyes were extra blue today. "Well, ever since the day I asked you to come on tour with us two years ago, my feelings towards you have changed. Not in a bad way, but in a different way. I started to like you and I could never tell if you liked me back. I thought you did, but then I thought you didn’t and now you’re with Ashton and I-." He stopped and looked at his lap. I was speechless. I couldn't process what was happening.

"Luke, what are you trying to say?" I said suspiciously. He looked back up at me and out of no where, his lips were on mine.

He held my face in his hands and kissed me as hard as he could. I felt myself melt into the kiss, but then something crossed my mind. Ashton.

I opened my eyes and pulled back from Luke. I stood up and stepped back from him. He just looked up at me. He looked scared.

"Luke..." I said. I started pacing back and forth. I was freaking out.

"Fath, I'm so sorry. It's just I- I love you." He said as he stood up and walked towards me. I stepped back again and he stopped.

"Luke, you can't just do this!" I shouted at him. I was so angry. Why would he do this to me now. When I'm in a relationship.

"I don't know, okay! I thought that maybe this would change your mind about Ashton. I thought this would make you like me!" He yelled at me. He was tugging at his hair and rubbing the back of his neck.

I felt this rage build up inside me. Before I could stop myself, I lashed out on Luke. "Are you fucking kidding me? You thought this would change my mind about my boyfriend?"

He just looked at me terrified and nodded.

"What the fuck, Luke? I've been in love with you ever since middle school! How the fuck did you not know that!" I walked towards him and started screaming in his face. "I fucking loved you and all you would do is push me to the side when you found a new girl to make your new fuck buddy! I was always second! Never in my life have I ever been your number one girl! And you've always been the boy I would go to! So you can go fuck yourself cause I am done with this! I'm finally with a boy that for once, you aren't the first person I think about in the morning! I have finally found a guy who treats me how I should and makes me feel good about myself rather than making me feel like a worthless piece of shit!"

I was breathing heavily. I was so mad I felt my hands shaking. Luke looked like he was about to cry. Fuck, I think I was about to.

"Faith, I'm so sorry. It's just-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"It's just what, Luke? It's just that when I finally give another guy my attention you realize what you had was what you wanted? Well you can forget all of that. I'm done with you. You're dead to me, Luke Hemmings." I said to him. I was ruthless. I don't even care if I just "broke his heart." He's broken mine to many times to count.

His mouth was open like he was gonna talk. I just rolled my eyes and walked away and back up the path. I never want to see his face again.


this chapter made me sad cause all i imagined was luke looking like a sad little puppy as his heart broke, but then again he was the dumbass who never took his chance so yeah

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