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4 years later...

I wake up with a bunch of laughter coming from Ser's room. Since she started going too school she made a lot of friends and one of them being her 'Super Duper Friend Friend.' As Ser puts it.

I get up and look at the clock and see it's just 11am and I start heading too the kitchen too start cooking breakfast for Ser and her Bff Julianna. Damn those kids can eat. I start putting on eggs and bacon when I hear a knock at the door thinking it was Julie's bitch of a mom coming too pick her up early.

I open the door too see nobody but a box sitting in front of our door. Grabbing the Mysterious Box I head back inside and lock the door and go too the kitchen too check on the food and grab a knife so I can open the box.

But before I can open the box the girls come hauling ass into the kitchen.

"Mami whatcha cooking?"

"Breakfast for you and Julie. I'll call you in once it's done okay Amore?"

"Okay Mami."

And their little foot steps head back too Ser's room.

Once I finish cooking I call in the girls too start eating. I see their little faces smile with joy ready to chow down on my oh so delicious food.

Once their done I get ready too walk Julie home and have my nanny Francesca come watch Ser while I go do my 4 hour shift at the Diner and then leave and come home too get ready for my 6 hour shift at The Club.

15 minutes later...

Francesca finally arrives and I put my uniform on and grab Julie's hand and walk her down too her house which is only 4 blocks away.

After I drop of Julie I walk too the Diner and clock in too start my thankfully short shift.

"San go get table 15's order." Coming from the head chef Kane. I grab my apron off of the hanger and get too work.

As I was walking too table 15 I seen some one I though I'd never see again.

"Grace? oh my god." I put my note pad on the table and give her a hug as she stands up. I see that she has a baby bump growing and it looks really good on her slim figure. I sit down and wonder why the hell she's in New York or America in that matter.

"It's so good too see you Santiago, It's been so long." A sad looking Grace says.

"Why are you in New York Grace?"

"Your Father sent me too tell you that The Mafia knows of your Daughter, and the families aren't happy, especially the Dragomir family. And since your brothers are giving up the title for next Italian Don, the Families are trying too steal and overtake the Italian Mob."

"And what does Father want me too do? He banned me from the estate once Ser was born."

"Well I honestly don't know either but he told me too give you these and this." Grace pulls out 2 envelopes and then a small black box. "He told me the box contains a sum of $20,000. But I have no idea what the envelopes contain. But please be careful Santiago we cant loose another Famiglia member."

"I promise Grace." I look at the envelopes and grab one that weighs probably 2 or 3 pounds.

"I have too head back too my hotel but hopefully we can see each other again."

"Hopefully, and congratulations on the baby." I say as I stand up.

"What baby?" she says with a confused look.

Well shit. I try and think of something and see she has a nice rental car.

"On the rental really nice." She gets up and gives a tight hug and leave's.

I get back too work and leave with 200$ in my pocket.

As I was heading home I seen a big black suburban follow me. I walk in a shop i've never been too before and stay until I see the suburban pull out and head the opposite direction of my house. I sigh with relief and start walking home.

Once I got home Francesca had too leave and would be back in 3 hours. I payed her 40$ and then she left and headed home. Thankfully Ser was tired and was passed out on the couch. I locked the door and headed too the bathroom and took a shower.

I got out after 15 minutes and put on a oversized shirt and some shorts and headed too the kitchen. Before I could get me something too eat I remember the package from the morning. I grabbed a knife and slit open the top and came face too face with a severed finger with a bloodied looking wedding ring.

I jumped back startled at what I just seen. I wasn't scared or anything I mean I grew up around the Mafia so this was just a little joke too me.

I see a letter taped to the inside of the box. I open it and see blood written words on it and what it said next was the most frightening thing a mother could imagine.

Tell my beautiful Sergio that this beautiful wedding ban will belong too her in 11 years, hopefully you'll be able too attend if your not dead yet Santiago.

Til next time,

Andrei Dragomir.

Andrei, a name that makes me sick. Andrei is the most ruthless and inhumane person i've ever met, besides Azeo. He used too be a good friend of mine but I started too realize what a horrible person he is and cut the friendship off before he could catch feelings and try too make me his. But now this is something that i'd never expect a 19 year old man too send too my 4 year old daughter. If he wants a war then he's gonna get one.

Even if it means me killing him then so be it.

And even if it means me dying in battle i'll sure as hell would do it for my little girl.

I'd walk too hell and back for my beautiful daughter and Anderi doesn't know that. And he wont know that until we meet face too face.

You Andrei Dragomir just signed your death wish my dear friend.



Okay this chapter sucks but honestly I really had a good chapter and I posted it but something went wrong and deleted the whole thing and now im just trying too put a chapter out here now.

but hopefully you liked it.

Bye now.

Mia FigliaWhere stories live. Discover now