december. 25th

40 1 0

Christmas Day 2013.

every kid my age would wake up with a big smile on their faces, ready too see what new items they will receive. And parents watching with kind eyes seeing how their child will react too their new toys.

but me? on Christmas morning I would welcome the greatest gift of all, mia figlia

My father wouldn't look Mia Figlia in the eyes, he would be making calls too my brothers too get a flight ready for me. I had no idea where I would be heading. All I knew was that Mi Amour father wanted nothing too do with her.

And within 2 days I would be sent off to the oh so beautiful New York City.

Mia Figlia had no idea that my father wanted nothing too do with us.

The first few months we're troubling for me and Mia Figlia. I had no job, had spent through the money my father sent me too America with, and barely any furniture in our small apartment. I was ready too give up and finally break, but then a 'Hiring' sign caught my eye. But the job was something that had made me hesitate. A strip club was hiring and it was the only place hiring close too my school and Mi Amour's day care.

I went in and had an interview with the boss. I told her about my situation and Mia Figlia. She taken pity and let me have a janitor job. She told me that once I turn 16 I can hit the poles and start dancing.

I walked out of the stripper joint with a big smile on my face.

2 months later...

Yesterday was my 16th birthday and thankfully my last day as a god forsaken janitor. Today Ruby my boss said I can start working on the poles. I don't want too but if it means more money than i'm all ears. Mia Figlia is now 5 months and the cutest little baby ever. Since im working night shifts my upstairs neighbor Lui is watching Sergio till I come and pick her up at 12pm.

My schedule has changed since i'm a dancer now. I clock in at 6pm and leave at 2am meaning that I don't get too spend more time with Mia Amour. My last shift went from 10pm too 12pm. Working as a janitor you barely got any hours and working over shift was the best since you get more pay.

I drop Mia Figlia off at Lui's and head to The Club. One thing I'm excited for since I get Triple the pay is that I can afford a Night nanny and not having Lui too watch Sergio.

Once I get in the dressing rooms all of the Dancers welcome me with a big hug and congratulating me for becoming a dancer. I already fit in with all of the dancers and looking like I'm 18 instead of 16. I put on my outfit and a dancer by the name Josie helps me with my makeup and hair.

I hope that one day I can quit this job and go and have a beautiful life with Mia Figlia.

till then I head to the poles as ' Winona King.'

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