1: A Tragic Start

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Darks POV

I sat on the couch with my arm wrapped around Anti. Hazel had been gone for summer camp with Ariel and Keith and were on their way home. Meanwhile I had gotten to spend some much needed alone time with Anti. I played with his hair as I watched his eyes travel back and forth from the game he was playing.

"I'm gonna laugh when yours eyes pop out of your head from doing that." Anti smiled and paused the game. "But then I won't get to see your face everyday." I laughed and ruffled his hair. Anti glanced to the door and bit his lip. "Hey, they'll be back any second." He gave me a smile but continued to look worried. "I know, but I feel like they should be back by now." I hugged tighter and kissed his forehead.

Then my phone rang. I picked it up seeing it as Ariel's mom. "Hazel probably wants to spend the night at her house." Anti laughed and turned back to his game. I quickly answered the phone.


"Hi my name is Regina Sanders. I work at the police department."

In the back I could hear sirens and from look on Antis face he could hear them too.

"Uh hi, what's going on?"

"I'm called to inform you there's been an accident."

I quickly hung up the phone and jumped up. "What happened?" Anti asked throwing on his jacket and changing into his human form. "An accident. I threw open the door and ran to the car. Lucky for us I had a tracker on my phone that tracked Hazel phone...for safety of course. As soon as Anti got in we sped off.

Not far from our house we had reached the accident. Two cars flipped over and in a ditch. Me and Anti jumped out of the car and rushed toward the scene. "I'm sorry sir you need to stay back." I ignored the man and pushed past him. I looked around and saw three ambulances, a fire truck, and two police cars.

"Evan!" I flinched at the human name but turned any way. Ariel's mom had seen me and was balling her eyes out. Me and Anti rushed over looking for hazel. "What happened?" Anti almost shouted. "T-there was a car and it just came speeding at us. It-it didn't stop." I turned and looked at the three ambulances. Anti rushed toward them already getting the hint. 

Inside one ambulance Ariel was on oxygen. A heart monitor showed her heartbeat going dangerously slow. Her hair was in her face her and was bent in a way it shouldn't. And her other arm...she didn't even have another arm. Anti covered his mouth as we moved on to the next truck. Inside Keith was also on oxygen and unconscious. His heart beat was fine but his head was all bruised and cut. At least he still had all his limbs.

In the final truck was our baby girl. Hazel was actually awake bed sititng up. Though she was on oxygen and had I.V's in. She looked up and saw us. We quickly ran over and hugged careful not to be to rough. Oh Hazel my sweet baby girl! Oh we were so scared!" Anti kissed her face and she actually laughed. "I'm fine dad. I shook my head. "You were just in a car wreck, how can you be fine." She held up one arm and flex as much as she could. "I'm a tough girl." I laughed happy she still had a sense of humor.

"Okay tough girl, do you know what happened?" I asked watching her smile fade. "On our way back a car turned and started driving the wrong way directly toward us. Poor Ariel and we mom were in the front so they were hit head on. Seriously though that hurt like a motherfucker." My eyes widened and Anti burst out laughing. "You learned that from your dad right? Not an uncle otherwise I'm killing them." 

Hazel laughed slightly and shook her head "please don't, you wouldn't kill your husband would you?" Anti continued to laugh and I just sat there. The words kill or death I wasn't too fond of at the moment. Considering I almost lost Anti TWICE and almost lost Hazel. I shook away those thoughts and smiled. "I'm just glad your okay." 

The smiles returned as a paramedic entered the vehicle. A sour look on her face as tear rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry but are you all friends of Ariel?" Hazel looked confused while Anti gasp and covered his mouth. I looked to Anti and we both had gotten the memo. "Yea He What happened?" Hazel, poor Hazel asked. 

"I'm sorry, Ariel has passed away."

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