10: Not Normal

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Hazels POV

I walked into school with a huge smile. Sure I'd seen my friends at open house, but now I really get to see them. "Hazel!!" I turned and saw Keith running at me with his arms in the air. "Keith!" I ran to him and we hugged each other. "Oh it's been way too long!" His French accent sticking out a bit more. "Did you go to France?" I asked. He nodded. "Oh I brought you something! I know you've always wanted to go to France. So..." he pulled out a shiny necklace with the  Eiffel Tower on it. I squealed hugging him again. "Thank you so much!" He laughed and went behind me. I saw the necklaces go past my eyes as he clipped it around my neck. He stepped away and I pulled out my phone to look.

"I love it! Thank you!" I saw Keith's cheeks turn a bit pink. "Y-you're welcome. I laughed and grabbed his hand. "Come on, we have biology first!" He ran with me and we found a table with three seats. "Make sure we save one for Liam." Just then a blonde haired boy with white roots cake in talking with a girl who had the same hair as him. "Liam?" Keith sorta shouted. He looked up and waved then ran over. "Hey guys! This is my sister Luna." The girl shyly waved before whispering to Liam. "Okay, have a good day." 

Luna then skipped out of the classroom and Liam sat down. "So how was Summer?" He asked. "It was great! But I can't get over the fact that you dyed your hair!" I said. He laughed messing with it. "Yeah, I got tired of the white." "But it went so well with your green eyes!" Keith said pretending to whine. We all laughed before the lesson started.


We were on our way to lunch when my eyes started to itch. "Hey I'll be back. Save me a seat." The boys nodded and went on without me. I ran to the restroom and splashed some water on my face. When I looked up though, I screamed. My eyes were glowing bright pink! W-what is happening? I splashed some more water on my face and looked up again to see my regular blue and brown eyes. I sighed, must've been my imagination. I left the bathroom and went on to lunch. 

My father had packed me some leftover soup from dinner the night before along with apple juice. "You good Hazel?" Keith asked when I sat down. I nodded not wanting to worry him. "So Keith what was France like?" Liam asked. "Oh it was awesome. We saw the Eiffel Tower, we got our picture painted, and the hotel we stayed in was AMAZING!" Keith practically yelled. 

"Nice, I went to England. It was alright I guess." My eyes widened. "You guess, England's so cool I want to go there someday! Oh and Ireland, cause my dads Irish and he said it's beautiful!" Keith laughed, but I noticed Liam was kinda quiet. "Liam?" He looked up from his noodles. "You okay, you seem kinda quiet." He smiled and nodded. "I'm good, just tired. And it's only fourth period!" We all laughed before continuing to eat.


I stood outside the school waitin for my friends. "Excuse me?" I turned and saw a girl a bit shorter than me, with icy blue eyes and short blonde hair. She was shaking. "Yes? Are you okay?" She shuffled her feet before speaking. "I-I'm Ki-kitty. I don't have m-many friends since I-I stutter so m-much. I-I was wondering if you-you wanted t-to be friends?" I smiled. The girl seemed sweet. And I liked making new friends, even if they stuttered. "Sure! I don't mind the stuttering. I'm Hazel." I stuck my hand out and she shakily shook it.

A car honked and we both looked over. "W-Well that's my r-ride. See you t-tomorrow." She waved and I waved back. "Who was that?" I jumped and turned around seeing Liam. "Oh hey. Hat was Kitty she's a friend of mine." Liam nodded and soon after Keith joined us. We started to walk home together when we were in middle school, and now it's had just become a habit. On the walk home my eye started itching again. I rubbed and and Keith noticed. "Your eyes okay?" I nodded. "Just itchy. I think it's allergies."

He nodded and turned away. I smiled as we reached my house. "We'll see you guys tomorrow." "You too!" They waved and I went inside. "I'm home!" I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I froze. "Hazel..." the man spoke with a deep very deep voice. "We need to talk to you." The second mans voice was higher but still deep. "Wh-what's going on?" I backed towards the door. 

"Hazel. Please sit down so we can explain." I shook my head grabbing the door handle. "No! Explain now or I'm leaving and calling the cops!" Their expressions looked hurt which caused my heart to hurt. I let go of the Handel and walked a tiny bit closer. "Hazel when you were about three or four you were left on our doorstep." I didn't answer, I already knew that. "We took you in and took care of you. Later on me, and the other septiceyes were captured. It was you who saved us. Hazel you're not normal. And neither are we."

I couldn't speak. All my dreams, they weren't dreams they were memories. Brain and Greg, Bing and Google. Robbie is a zombie, yandere is a killer, all of those were memories. No wonder they made me feel warm inside. I had never known why I enjoyed those dreams. "So you're..." I pointed at the man with gray skin. "Dark." He nodded. I then turned to the man with blue and green eyes. "And you're Anti." He nodded as well.

"Hazel please don't be mad at us. We only kept it a secret because, we thought it was better for you..." Dark muttered. I looked down. Dark was my father, and Anti was my dad. Just because they look different, sound different, and do different things. Doesn't mean they're not the same people I love and take care of me. "Father, Dad." They both looked at me with wide eyes. "Promise me this. NEVER! Keep a secret this big from me again!" I shouted. They looked shocked.

But then I started to laugh, so so did they. "I love you guys." I hugged them both and they hugged back tightly. "Guys, I'm squished." We all laughed and stood up. "Alright, so now explain to me. Why I have FUCKING PINK EYES." My father turned to my dad with a glare. "Her language is your fault." "Mine! You swear too!" I laughed, still the same.

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