Drama, Lies, Tears, Cheers to the Teenage Years

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All I could think about in the shower was how awesome this year will be. I took a two hour long shower...I didn't even shave, wash my hair, or anything. I just thought about random things but mainly today. Now it's around 8:00 and I'm just laying on my bed only with a towel on texting Charlie...I should really get dressed.

I opened up my closet doors to find the outfit I had picked out for today, it was super cute! It was a tribal print tank that would show my stomach if I lifted my arms up and dark was skinny jeans with my neon pink originals vans. My nails were painted purple and I have my hair in breads to make my hair a cute wavy texture along with pink with a hint of silver eye shadow with a black wing line top liner and mascara. It all came together perfect! I've always had a great since of style, I put my sisters, Arden and Clara's, outfits together. I also did Charlie's yesterday, it was so cute!

As I sweated my long side bangs aside I to apply my 'dreamsicle' lip gloss I heard my dad calling my name, "Paisley! Breakfast is ready birthday girl!".

"Mkay. I'm coming." I shouted down the stairs as I rubbed my newly glossed lips together.

It smelt like, like something Jesus's chef would make! My dads a good cook but I could tell he was trying to do something really special today, that's sweet! It looked amazing! I couldve just inhaled it all right then and there. I'm surprised I didn't to be honest! It was my favorite, pancakes stuffed with chocolate and strawberries with a side of perfect looking hash browns along with turkey and regular bacon! I almost forgot the sunny side up eggs with the yolk already popped. He knows me so well.

"omg! That looks amazing!! Are you and mom getting a divorce or something" I snickered sarcastically.

"of course not, I just thought since my little girl is officially a teenager she should have a breakfast fit for her special day!" my dad said as he handed me a plate of all of my favorite breakfast foods on it.

"Fwank whu" I said through mouthfulls of delicious pancake and syrup.

"haha, fur wulfum" he mocked before he took a sip of his coffee. Ew, coffee.

I just grinned and got up and out my licked clean plate in the sink. I didn't have to do the dishes since it was my birth day so I didn't bother washing it. My older sister, Clara, mumbled happy birthday as I zoomed upstairs to my room. She must have been hungover. She looked like something a cat barfed up. She's always out partying. But I sware she never gets cought, maybe she'll teach me, after all I am a teenager! I grinned at that thought.

I had seven new messages on my phone screen, probably a few happy birthdays and some from Charlie.

OH. MY. GOSH. I thought to myself as I saw Drew's name on my phone! I got a message from the guy I've been crushing on FOREVER. I was fan girling! I opened it up emmidietly, it read " hey, heard its your birthday? Happy birthday. " . I went straight to Charlie's name in my phone which wasn't Charlie, it was 'HOE'. We always called each other that, it was our thing. I called her.

"HELLER?" she said through the argument of her and her little brother. They're always fighting on the phone. It's quite funny.

"OMGGGGGGG. Guess who said happy birthday to me!!" I said in a high pitched excited voice.

"Noway! Drew really said happy birthday!?" she said now also excited.

"YES!!!" I said jumping up and down, what can I say? He's perfect! " oh, and I got a text from your lover, it says hes Gunna be there!" I said knowing she would be even more excited now. I call Josh a lot of things but she actually likes it when I call him her lover even though he has a girlfriend.

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