Drama, Lies, Tears, Cheers to the Teenage Years

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Paisley's Pov:

"I-I think it is." i said as tears began to rise up my eyes an down my cheeks. i cannot let Drew see me like this! So i ran into the girls outdoor restroom. Charlotte wasn't to short behind. 

"ima kick that skanks ass!" Charlie said as she pat my back and hugged me. Why am i so emotional about this? I mean,  dating. Do i love Drew? I have liked him for a long time! I think a year. I've liked a lot of boys, but I've never cried over them. i thought all of those while i was crying. I cried for about five minutes. my makeup didn't run though- thank God!

"why does she always have to ruin things! I hate her!" i spat out through some dry sobs.

"oh, babe! You need to cry over cuts and stitches, not sluts and bitches!" Charlie said. That was our favorite quote. But, i wasn't crying over Vannah, well i mean, i partiallay was.

"Im not crying over Vannah!" i said as the tears began to well up again. " Im crying over Drew! i thought i ment something to him! He gave me this necklace! Look, it has a heart on it! That must mean something!" i said as i picked up the necklace.

"Ugh, guys are so stupid! I'll get to the bottom of this later! We aren't going to let a hoe and a man whore ruin our good time at this game! Dry your tears and lets go."  Charlie said. I know she just wanted to see Josh, but i wasn't going to say anything. i wiped the tears. My eyes still looked a little red, but I just told anyone who asked it was allergies.

"GIVE ME A T! "T" "GIVE ME AN I" "I" GIVE ME A G" "G" "GIVE ME AN E" "E" "GIVE ME A R" "R" " GIVE ME A S" "S"! "WHAT DOES THAT SPELL?" "TIGERS!!!" cheered the bright eyed and bushy tailed cheerleaders. Charlotte sometimes would yell "GO JOSH" along with the crowd, he was the star of th team. I just sat there and when the wave would come around I'd get up along with them. it was almost as if i wasn't there. i sure as hell didn't want to be. I wanted to be at home, taking a warm bubble bath with my favorite Ben and Jerry ice cream! Now thats my type of threesome.

Drew's Pov:

" Focus on the game Sullivan!" Yelled my coach. He probably saw the distracted look on my face. i can't get my mind off of why the hell Vannah attacked me with her lips! I hope people didn't see! What if Paisley saw? I'm beginning to grow a crush on her. She's so cute and down to earth!

i struck the baseball with my lucky bat, but that bat wasn't the problem in my stike- i was. I kwpt looking over at Charlotte and Paisley. Paisley looked distracted also. She almost looked like she'd been crying. Had she seen me and Vannah and cryed? Dude, your not that special! i thought to myself shaking my head.

"what the hell was that! You lost us the game, Sullivan!" my coach yelled at me when i walked into the shower area. 

"sorry, i had a lot going on-" i said before being interupted by Jack the jackass as we all call him. 

"yeah, Vain Vannah attacked his face before the game. " he snorted out throuh chewing his gum.

" That doesn't matter! you costed us the game! Focus up! " Coach Mart said as he slapped me lightly across the head.

"Got it- won't happen again." i said as changing clothes.

maybe i can catch Paisley when i walk home. i thought as i was passing the girls bathroom. i heard what sounded like Charlottes voice but i couldn't make out what she said. I heard Paisley say "okay, I'm over Drew.". Ouch, i actually felt my heart sink. Shes over me and i actually really like her now. Maybe she did see me and Vannah. Fuck.

Paisley's Pov:

"Now i know you're not actually over him, but did it help at all saying it?" Charlie said sympathetically.

"Not really. Can we just go home?" i whined. I was sad and tired, i wanted to go home!

" Fine. What time is it? We can watch Mean Girls and eat ice cream?" Charlie said. We always did this after we were sad.

" 1:00, And you don't have to tell me twice!" I said as we walked outside the bathroom.

I'm so happy i have her as my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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