Music blues

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Austin's POV
I enjoyed myself last night with my friends. We haven't got to all hang out in a minute. However, I need to get back to work on my music. I have been working on this song for a while but I think it has potential! I take my laptop outside and sit down, I light my blunt and start listening to what I have so far.

"Man this is dopeeee", I say. Man do I fuck with being high. I'm just so happy when I get lit. "Saucin', Saucin', I'm saucin' on you," I sing quietly. This song needs something still, not sure what. I whip my phone out and shoot Nate a text.

yoo when you comin back?
prolly in 30 mins, wassup?
need input on the track
aight, be there soon

As i'm waiting for Nate, I decide to scroll threw twitter and see whats new. I'm scrolling and I see a tweet from Athena from last night.

summertime sadness mixed with insomnia

As I read her tweet I thought of Lana Del Ray, good song. I refresh the page and see she just tweeted again a few minutes ago.

will you still think about me when i'm gone?

Hmm that has a ring to it, "you gone think about me when i'm gone"... That would be great for the chorus. I like and retweet Athena's tweet. I then quote tweet it and say "of course, boo".

Nate opens up the back door, "whats gucci?".

I stand up and give him a bro hug, "hey man I have some ideas. Ready?"

Athena's POV
I went to bed pretty late last night and for some stupid reason, I was up super early. Now 11 o'clock isn't early for some people but I am not like some people.

Anyways, I decided today that I wanted to get some coffee and go shopping. Let's see what Teagan is doing. As I walk to Teagans room, I hear her tv. Sweet she must be up. I knock on the door and open it.

"Hey girl, any plans for the day?". Teagan looks up at me.

"Nopee, what's up?"

"Get ready, we're getting coffee and going out."

I get ready quickly and Teagan and I head out.

"Starbucks?" I ask Teagan.

"Yeah, for sure. Where all are we going today?" she ask.

"Well I want to go to Morphe for some new make up, but I was think of getting my hair colored and trimmed. Maybe an ombré?" I ask Teagan.

" I think that would be so cute, lets do it."

About 3 hours later I had went to morphe and I was finishing up my hair. I had gotten an ombré and got lucky my hair stylist could fit me in. Teagan and I decided to pick up some In N Out before we got home. Teagan and I love driving around town and listening to music. Right now, we were listening to throw backs such as My Chemical Romance and Paramore.

While waiting for our food, I tweeted something because it was how I was feeling.

" Athena, stop tweeting depressing shit. Will you think about me when i'm gone? Wtf." Teagan seemed to nag at me when I tweeted this shit.

" I'm sorry this music is making me feel sad," I say "anyways, like my new hair?" I pull up to the window and pay for our food.

"Yeah it looks really good and healthy. Your fucking hot mamas" Teagan teases me. I pull up to the second window and grab the food.

" You are too much. Hold this" I say while handing her the bags. My phone buzzes a few time and I look and see Austin had replied to my tweet. Oh boy.

"Will you look to see what he said?" I asked Teagan. "He replied saying of course,boo." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Let's get this food back home."

Teagan's POV
Man, my life is getting busy but I love hanging out with my best friend. It reminds me of who I am and why Athena and I are best friends. Athena got her hair done and it looks gorgeous. I want to see how Nate and Austin react. I could see her dating either of those boys. I don't know how it would play out but it'd be interesting.

"So why the sudden change in hair mamas?" I asked her curiously.

"Well I got bored of my normal brown hair and decided to do an ombrè. I thought it'd go great with my hair. Plus I feel and hopefully look more mature with it. You think?" she replied.

"Athena you look fucking gorgeous," I tell her honestly, " I don't understand how you're single!". She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"After Jeremy, I like being single."

Oh man, did I remember Jeremy. He was just a phase and now she realizes that. He was so ehhh. I look at Athena and bust up laughing.

"You really dated that guy. How sad." I said.

"Shut up! I know. Now get out of my car." she says. Damn finally back at the apartment. We walk inside and call the boys from the backyard.

"Foood, you guys are the best!" Austin tells us.

"Woah, Athena I am diggin the new hair." Nate noticed her hair fairly quick.

"Oh thank you Nate!" she replies shyly. Oh Athena and her fucking shy ass. Even though we are all best friend she gets shy when we compliment her.

"Damn ma, lookin like a snack!" Austin tells Athena. Athena just eats some fries and blushes.

"Didn't I tell you that you'd look hot with that hair style?" I say to Athena.

"Thank you guys for the compliments!" Athena says.

Athena's POV
Wow, my best friends really are the best. I feel so hyped up rn. After I was done eating I cleaned up the kitchen and headed to my room since everyone was doing their own thing. I decided to curl my hair and give it a beach wave look. I then did my brows and added on some eyeliner and mascara. I put on some highlight and thought I looked cute asf. So I decided to take some selfies.

After trying to take cute selfies I looked through them and picked the cutest one where i'm just simply smiling but I look so content with life. I decided to post it on Insta. I quoted my picture saying "Too Young". After I post my picture I changed into pajamas and went to bed.

Hey this chapter is super long but I had nothing else to do. Enjoy.

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