Conflicted Feelings

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Athena's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I rolled over and groaned. I turned my alarm off and rolled back over in bed. I was so sore and my body was aching. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I tried to say but I could barely talk. The door opened and it was Austin.

"Hey I got you some water. I figured you would want some when you woke up."

Austin walked over to me and handed me the water. I began drinking all of it. Once I finished I put the cup on the night stand.

"Thank you." I noticed my voice was a little better after drinking some water. I think i'm going to make myself some tea with honey.

"So Justin and I decided that it's best to be checked out by a doctor today. He is having a doctor come here today to take a look at you."

I nodded my head instead of saying anything. I grabbed my phone and started walking to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and noticed Justin sitting and eating at the table.

"Good morning Athena, hungry for anything?"
"Thank you Justin but I was just wondering if you had some tea I could make?"

Justin got up from his seat and opened a cabinet that had a few different types of tea. As I was looking for the tea I desired Justin was looking under the stove. He grabbed a kettle and put water in it and put it on the burner for me. I decided to go with a simple Lipton tea. I grabbed a packet and ripped it open and placed the tea bag in my mug and waited for the water heat up.

"Thank you for helping me." I said to Justin as I sat down.

"Oh it's no problem at all Athena."

"No Justin, I mean thank you so much for saving my life. If it weren't for you sharing my location with my phone I may not have been here today. I can not thank you enough for what you have down." I looked away from Justin and out the window because I felt myself getting emotional. I felt Justin grab my hand and squeeze it for reassurance.

"Athena, I want you to know that none of this is your fault. Matt is a piece of shit with his own problems and does not deserve a beautiful woman like you in his life. Especially if he mistreats you like that. I am so glad I trusted my gut and did what I did. I feel bad for going behind your back to do it but I am not sorry for doing it."

"What can I do to make it up to you Justin? I feel like I owe you my life."

"Do me the honors of letting me take you out on a date. Athena I think you are an amazing and strong and beautiful woman. You just went through so much and act like it's nothing. I would love to get to know you more."

I was amazed that Justin wanted to go out in a date with me I couldn't believe it.

"You have yourself a deal Justin. Let me know when."

As soon as I finished my sentence the kettle started whistling letting me know my water was ready. I got up and turned the stove off. I poured the water into my mug and went into the fridge to get the honey. I put quite a bit of honey because I like my tea sweet and not bitter. I grabbed a spoon and stirred my tea and began walking back to my room.

As I got closer I heard Austin talking on the phone with someone.

"I am still so shocked at everything that happened. Athena is acting as if it was nothing. She is acting somewhat normal and is going on with her day and I can't even look at her without wanting to cry. Just seeing her when it was happening breaks my heart."
Austin stopped talking and I assumed the person on the other line was responding to what he said.

"I know..... yeah I know..... mhmm..... you don't understand....... because...... I think i'm falling for Athena and this is possibly the worst time it could happen!"

I was sipping my tea and I swallowed quickly because of what I heard. I was shocked... I never knew Austin would ever like me. Him and I have been best friends forever. But I couldn't help but to get butterflies when I heard him say that because I liked him too. I also had feeling for Justing though.

I decided that I should probably go into the room now instead of listening in on his conversations. I began walking in and Austin said bye to whoever he was on the phone with.

"Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"Oh just my dad, he was calling to tell me something about the cowboys."

"Oh. So listen, I've been thinking. I want to change my life.

"What do you mean?"

When I was in bed last night cuddling with Austin I was thinking about how I couldn't let this bring me down. I know it's a very big issue and makes people scared and depressed and changes them. I wanted to do the opposite. I needed to change my mentality and attitude on everything and approach life differently. I wanted Austin to know because he is a big part of my life and I will need some help and support from.

"I am not going to let this bring me down. I am going to change my mentality and attitude on life. I am going to put myself out there in the world and speak up. I am in control of how my life is going to be for now on and I will need your support and encouragement. Will you help me?"

Austin looked at me and the biggest smile was on his face.

"Of course I will help you! Gosh Athena I am so fucking proud of you!! This is so amazing. You are amazing! And strong! You got this!" Austin got up and carefully hugged me so my tea didn't spill.

In this moment I knew I was conflicted on my feelings. Yes I liked Justin but I had a place in my heart for Austin as well. They are both amazing men in my life and I just can't seem to decide....

Authors note: So sorry lovely readers. It's been a while. My life can get very busy and chaotic sometimes and things happen that I don't always have control over. I am happy to put a new chapter out and enjoy! Love to hear some feedback!

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