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J a s o n

I walked towards the elevator, clicking the first button that lead to the main floor. I was confused and angry. Why would Gigi tell Isabella about my meds? Was she trying to ruin our relationship?

I walked into the living room, spotting Rylan, Alex, Tyler, and Zayn. "What's going on?" I questioned. I noticed that Rylan had a document in his hand. "We have a meeting with Karl and his Gang. They want to discuss something." Rylan informed me. What was so important that we needed to have a meeting on a Sunday evening? I'm not leaving Isabella here alone.

I still don't trust her. As much as I didn't like to think about it, I knew she would try to leave. She would try to leave me for her friends that didn't care about her, and her unstable mother. "I'm not leaving Isabella here alone." I explained. "Gigi is here. She'll watch her." Tyler said, stuffing his face with the chips he had been eating.

I s a b e l l a

There he goes throwing that word around again.


It was irritating. It had to be my least favourite word now because, it came out of Jason's mouth.


As I was trying to put everything together in my head, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I stuttered.

  "Hey, it's just me." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked to my left, and saw Gigi. There was a woman beside her. She looked like Gigi except, she had dark brown hair. Gigi number two?

"Oh right. This is my sister, Bella." She smiled. That's why they looked so much alike. "Hey." Bella smiled at me. "Hi." I responded. I didn't smile back though. I held my hand out to shake hers, but instead she hugged me. "Sorry." She held in a laugh. "It's okay." I told her.

"The boys have to deal with something, so we'll be keeping you company." Gigi informed me. Was this really necessary? Why did Jason have to treat me like a child?

"I don't mind staying here alone." I told them. It would give me time to escape. I still needed to find a way to get home. My mom was probably worried sick.


I wonder what she was doing right now. What if she was doing absolutely nothing, and she forgot about me? No Isabella, your mom loves you, she wouldn't do that. She wouldn't leave you here to suffer.

"No worries. We weren't going to go with them anyways." Bella spoke.

"Ok." I mumbled.

At this point, I was agitated and annoyed. I wanted to be left alone.

"What should we do?" Gigi asked looking at her phone.

"Ohh we should go swimming!" Bella yelled out, jumping up a bit. Where did she get all this energy from?

"Yes, we should. It's really nice outside, and Isabella you don't want to stay in your room forever do you?" Gigi asked fluttering her lashes while making a pouty face.


Bella and Gigi left my room so that I could change into a bathing suit. This wasn't a good idea.

I quickly put on a black full body bathing suit, and flip flops. As I brushed my hair, I heard another knock at my door. "Come in." I mumbled. Who is it now? I looked at the door, and saw Jason walk through. I felt my heart rate speed up.

"H-hey." Was all he said. "Hi." I replied. I walked over to the bathroom to get a robe. I felt uncomfortable being in practically nothing around him.

Nothing but silence filled the room. Jason hadn't said a word, and neither did I.

I would glance at him a few times, and catch him staring.

"So I have to go somewhere, but I'll be back soon. You're going to the pool with Gigi and Bella right?" He asked. "Yeah." I told him. I finally looked him in the eyes without turning away. He looked tired, and his eyes were red. Had he been crying? This was all an act. Jason McCann didn't have feelings.

"Okay, be careful." Jason stood up, walking out of my room.


"Isabella!" I heard Bella's voice. "Are you almost done getting ready?" They both asked knocking on the door a couple of times. I quickly put my hair in a high bun. "Yeah." I said opening the door.

We walked outside towards the pool. I took a deep breath, inhaling all the fresh air.

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