Scene 2: The Leather bound Journal.

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Vera spent her days patrolling the gates of Heaven and greeting the passerby's as they reached their ultimate destination; their terminal place of rest and salvation.

Nothing ever bad happened in Heaven, which struck the strange idea to bring forth a guardian such as Vera herself.

Vera usually spent her days people-watching and inspecting the Grand Library, a place where books upon books remained. It was amazing...The library had heaping arches that curved magnificently over the marble bookshelf cases.

There were rows upon rows of endless books that you could have never had even dreamed about! And this is where Vera spent her times, inspecting the different worlds hidden deep within the pages of the books, the history of all throughout the human world and so on...

But Earth seemed like an excellent place for a guardian. War, famine, trouble everywhere you looked...Earth was merely a conflict in itself, and Vera was more than intrigued.

How could delicate things such as human hold so much emotion? How could they yearn so badly for something so fatal and destructive?

Vera's plump and perfect lips pursed into a frown as she flipped the crude pages of an elderly, untouched book she had found hidden behind a row.

It looked like a journal of some sorts.

Vera flipped open the cover and moved the silky ribbon, most likely used as a bookmark, to the side with her thumb, surprised to find the book was owned by a fellow friend, Gabriel.

She knew his handwriting from anywhere, the sharp slant of his cursive was always an alarming characteristic of his.

Vera licked her lips curiously before turning the page, nearly gasping once she saw the elaborate sketch of a grotesque beast spying back at her,

"What on Heaven..." She mouthed as the pad of her fingers stroked the sides as if teasing the monster by being just out of its reach.

'In my time of Earth, I've come in contact with many things...this one was the first, a beast of a monster called the Abasy...some type of demon with-"

"Thanks for finding that for me, Dove," A familiar voice made her nearly jump and throw the book in his face.

"Oh...Gabriel." She smiled apologetically and slapped the journal closed, the drawing still etched into the back of her mind.


Vera was later working her silky fingers through her hair, brushing the ends of the damp, loose and bronze curls when the creature drawn in the journal invaded her thoughts.

She frowned to herself, her woolly and silky gown grazed the backs of her bare thighs as she tucked a frizzed lock behind her ear.

"Gabriel?" She invited, and before long, the angel appeared in front of her including a goofy smirk.

"Yes, Queen of Beauty and Grace?" He flashed with his sarcastically flirtatious ways, causing Vera to give him a curious glance.

She was not yet fully adequate in her pop culture yet...Nor the ideas of modern humor.

"I am no Queen, Gabriel..." She muttered, stroking a soft curl of hers until it bounced and frayed into crazed golden sprigs.

"I-I know, it was a joke, Dove." He merely laughed as Vera nodded, still not understanding.

"Whatcha need, chicken wing?" Gabriel then asked, due to his dense ability to comprehend how far her knowledge and experience went, once she held his gaze with parted lips and curiously drawn in brows.

At that, her face turned an irritated, crab red,

"Gabriel! Do not insult m-"

"Hey! Hey, cool it, Spitfire...It's just a- You kno- What do you need me for?" He asked finally, folding his arms across his chest.

"I fancied asking about the drawing you made in your journal." She flashed him an easy smile as she sat her golden rimmed brush onto her nightstand, fingers weaving through her fair, rich hair.

Her accent was thick and unheard of, an accent only she held. So, therefore, it sounded like she said 'draw-ring' and only made Gabriel beam brighter.

"Oh...I'm guessing the one about the Abasy?" Gabriel shuffled somewhat tentatively before shoving his hands deep into his pockets.

Vera hummed in approval as she sat on the edge of her bed, which was rained on by mounds of woolen blankets, fluffy throws, and many, many embroidered pillows.

"Uh, it's just a kind of creature I've been...hunting..?" He tried before running a hand through his golden locks, causing Vera's face to pinch with something Gabriel couldn't pinpoint.

Curiosity? Desire? Dissaproval? Disappointment?

"Hunting?" She repeated with a bit of emphasis, her face screwing up even more once Gabriel nodded.

"Down on Earth...It's been Havoc since...y'know, Dad disappeared on his hoohaa trip to he knows where?" Gabriel indicated as Vera darted up, causing the archangel to waver back.

"Do not disrespect him that way, Gabriel. For you know he listens in...He does not so much as deserve the things you accuse him of." Vera spat out, her sky-blue eyes flaming brightly in the just lit room.

Gabriel held his palms up,

"Alright...Alright...But Earth needs him. And he's too busy somewhere over the rainbow to even consider helping those feeble, hairless apes." Gabriel scoffed.

"Humans are not hairless apes. They are beings j-"

"It's symbolism."

"For...what, exactly?"

"For- You kno- Why are you even asking me?!" Gabriel finally asked.

"I want to go." She eventually answered, a dim sparkle in her eyes.

Gabriel was taken back.

He blinked. Once. Twice.

"You cannot." He finally mumbled, the fiery glow of the dim lights caused shadows to shelter his whimsical features, and Vera scowled, tilting her head.

"And why not, Gabriel?" She asked, an edge to her tone.

"Because you are to guard heaven and nothing more." He simply stated, and before she could oppose and declare her views, he disappeared with a flap of his large wings.

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