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Posting this incomplete chapter

Anne hurried out of the door quickly, right after blowing her "Angel" a kiss, leaving the two boys completely alone. Harry slowly made his way down the winding stairs, his movements were slow and graceful, and so. so. seductive. Louis was completely immobile, he's never seen a boy such as this one. He was so feminine and you couldn't even call Harry "handsome" because he was just so pretty.

Once the boy made his way down the stairs, he advanced towards Louis with eyes that could only be described as vexing, there was something in them that you could just tell that he was planning something.

"Hello, Louis," the young boy circled the brunette once before going to the kitchen and leaning against the counter,

"I'm Harry, but you can call me Angel, everyone does" the older male caught his breath and turned towards the boy who was now walking towards the refrigerator, with a soft sway in his hips.

"Y-yeah, i know... i'm Louis." an appealing, small giggle sounded throughout the house, Harry turned back to his guest after taking out a bowl of chilled grapes, his eyes were filled with amusement,

"I know what your name is hon." he then popped a grape into his mouth.


Louis mentally kicked himself, of course he knew, those were the first words that slipped past his lips, those pouty pink lips that the older boy couldn't help but stare at.

"Y-yeah, I mean, you did-" Harry leaned against his side of the counter, his head cocked to the side and all of his heavenly curls bounced with it,

"What's got you so nervous Lou? You're squirming around like a sinner at church, no- more like a bitch in heat." a sly smile formed onto the boy's lips, he slowly rounded the table and Louis's eyes grew wide,

"Does your mother know you cuss like that?" but the green-eyed boy only giggled softly, standing right in front of the older boy, he stood up on the tips of his toes so he could whisper in his guest's ear,

"Do I intimidate ya, Lou? Coz 'm not that big, I'm not quite strong either," Louis looked down to see that Harry was staring at his arms right now, tanned from the sun and countless hours outside. He gained some muscle mass from working on repairs in his mom's house, but that was about it.

Louis licked his lips nervously, making sure to think before he spoke so he didn't sound foolish again,

"No, you don't intimidate me, Harry, you're just..." he let his words trail off as he couldn't help but look over the boy's curvy little body. Louis could have sworn he was a spitting image of Mick Jagger, just a shorter, and more feminine version, also Harry was softer, plumper in places rather than bones.

Harry caught Louis shamelessly giving him a once-over, and gave him a pleased smile, with a glint of smugness in his eyes,

"I'm what? What were you gonna say, big boy?" the cherub-like boy wrapped his arms around Louis's neck, not caring much that he's just met this man five minutes ago. Louis was handsome and that was it.

"Am I pretty? Was that it? I'm just pretty and you've never seen a boy like me before hmm?" being this close to Harry was completely dangerous, because goodness was Louis dizzy from the sweet scent of his skin.

The elder put his hands on the boy's waist and stepped back once, trying to get space before things got out of hand, in which they already had. Harry whined a bit, clearly not familiar with any form of rejection, even tiny dosages such as this, he crossed his arms over his chest with a small pout on his face. He resembled a child throwing a tantrum.

"That wasn't very nice Louis, I was just having my fun." the other man only shrugged helplessly, he didn't know that seducing men was fun, and it wasn't anywhere on his agenda to fool around with his client's son. Louis desperately needed this job and he wasn't going to get fired by a spoiled brat. A very pretty spoiled brat, but one nonetheless.

"I think your mom mentioned something about you showing me where the equipment was for the pool?" He could practically see Harry rolling his eyes mentally,

"Ah yes, completely forgot about the pool, oops." with that, the young boy turned swiftly towards what Louis was guessing was where the pool was.

"Follow me Lou." and he did, noticing how the minx swayed his hips as he walked.

It was going to be so very difficult working with him.


Walking through the glass sliding doors was a sight Louis was surprised to see in a house this big. For he imagined a huge backyard with grass and trees and a garden and the pool of course, but this was different. For the backyard was filled with cut blocks of cement paved onto the ground, there were only trees surrounding the gates so the area deemed secluded. The pool was massive and there were several beach chairs surrounding the entire thing.

Harry smiled wide at Louis's reaction, he lounged himself onto one of the chairs very cat-like, hiking up his knee to showcase his pale, plump thigh.

"Not what you imagined huh? Not a patch of grass in sight. Daddy got the best construction team in America to rebuild our backyard, he said this is what the future is going to look like. Everyone will have their own local pool in their yard, and of course, Daddy wants to be the one who said he did it first." Louis nodded, the entire thing did look... expensive and modern, there was even a mini waterfall on the far side of the pool, walled off with marble tiles.

"You see that blue shed over there? That's the pool shed, all the equipment is in there. You should skim out all of the leaves, then put that antibacterial stuff in there." When he looked back to the boy, he could see that he now dawned on a pair of red, heart-shaped sunglasses.

"Don't mind me, Sunny boy, I'll be good for now, 'm just watching you is all." there was that smirk again. But Louis got to work because if he made comment or reaction to everything Harry said, he would be there all day.

As Louis began to work on the pool, he could see that the tasks were pretty simple, but it was tedious work. For the pool was huge and collected many leaves from the trees that surrounded the backyard. As soon as he cleaned one side, the wind blew and more leaves flew in. But if he worked fast enough he could get enough leaves to put the antibacterial solution in. He also realized that the sun beat down on him mercilessly, but thankfully Harry wasn't all that bad and offered him water, of course staring him down with a minx-like grin as he chugged down the water, commenting something borderline sexual like,

"Must've been quite thirsty, huh?"

Overall he knew that he could deal with the heat and the tedious work, but he had no clue how to distract himself from the boy.

Once it neared an hour of work, the sun was at its highest point and his arms were quite sore. Which was a surprise to him. He didn't realize the little Angel was gone until he came back through the glass doors, skipping to towards the same chair he had been lying on earlier. In his small hands were two tall glasses of what he was guessing was Lemonade. And tucked in his arm was a bottle of sunscreen.

"Louis, I think it's about time you took a break don't you think? Mother said I had to be a good host, so like the good little boy I am, I've made you lunch and fixed you a glass of strawberry lemonade. Also, if you spend another minute in this sun without sunscreen you'll turn to a cherry." to say in the least, it was an inviting offer, and Louis wasn't one to turn down food.

So he sat the skimmer down and strolled to where Harry was lounging, opting to sit in the chair next to his,

"Thanks, Angel"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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