14 - One-Sided?

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Chapter 14


Sehun woke up slowly, stretching into it. He was warmer than he was used to, more comfortable.

Also... heavier? When his back arched, he met more resistance than normal.

He blearily blinked his eyes open.

Seulgi was sitting, cross-legged on his chest. Wrapped in her duvet. Eating Lucky Charms. Her eyes were focused on Sehun's and she was leaning forward, like she did when she watched scary movies or too many episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

"Er..." Sehun said articulately.

"Good! You're up!"

"-ish. Up-ish." Sehun mumbled, scratching his hands over his scalp.

"It counts." Seulgi carefully settled her bowl on the stained coffee table before leaning forward, readjusting so that she was straddling Sehun and absent-mindedly tracing his eyebrows, his cheekbones, and his nose with her fingertips.

Sehun's hands flailed for a minute before settling on Seulgi's waist. He nuzzled into Seulgi's hands, chasing the touch.

"You're such a kitten when you first wake up, sweetheart," Seulgi said, her voice quiet. Sehun hummed happily at the term of endearment and it was very nearly a purr.

Seulgi giggled and the sound was like... joy. Or prancing unicorns or some shit. Sehun smiled at her dopily.

"Do you know what good kittens do for their handlers?" Seulgi cuddled in closer, letting her chin against Sehun's neck, her lips catching on the corner of Sehun's jaw. Apparently, Seulgi's question was rhetorical. "Good kittens make their handlers eggs benedict."

Sehun laughed so hard that it made Seulgi bounce in his lap. Which. It was morning and Seulgi was bouncing up and down and straddling Sehun's hips. The gods were testing him. "Weren't you just eating breakfast?"

"Why Sehun, you absolute heathen, it's as if you've never heard of an appetizer. I expected more from the boy with the posh accent." Sehun rolled his eyes and sat up, keeping his hands on Seulgi's waist and bending his knees, so that Seulgi's fingernails scrabbled for purchase on the skin of his shoulders.

Seulgi's voice was a little hoarse and her eyes were wide. "Nice, um, upper body strength."

Sehun leaned forward, letting his grin get a little predatory. "You should see what I can do with my lower body." Then he pecked Seulgi on the cheek and stood, lifting Seulgi with him and then placing her gently back on the couch. "Let me go to the bathroom and then I'll make your eggs."

Of course, he realized once he got to the bathroom that there is literally no way Seulgi didn't realize she was sitting on what basically amounted to Mount Everest. Mount Everest in his pants. Mount Peenerest. So he went for a quick wash after that wakeup call.

Kang Seulgi, destroyer of stamina everywhere.

Sehun shook his head and walked out of the bathroom. He poked his head around the corner and just watched Seulgi for a moment.

Seulgi was the best person to just... sit and admire what she was like. A strange mix of comedy and grace, still snuggled up in the fluffy white duvet with it trailing behind her like a royal train.

She kept putting ingredients on the counter, then turning around and putting them back in the fridge.

"Asparagus, Seulgi?" Sehun asked, "Really?"

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