Chapter 43 Convention

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(Ashley's POV)

"What is this?"  I looked at the banner hanging across the living room.  It said 'convention'.

Scott and Mitch are dressed formally, sitting on the couch.

Me and Avi went out on a date, we've been together for a week now.

After we entered the front door, this is what we saw.

"Ah, you guys are back.  Shall  we begin?"  Scott said to Mitch as he stood up.

"Yeah, let's begin."  Mitch stood up as well.

Avi and I looked at each other, both confused.

"Did we do something?"  Avi asked.

Scott held up his index finger, motioned Avi to wait.

"Well, I'll start."  Mitch said, he took out a piece of paper out of his jacket.

And he cleared his throat.

"This is incident one..."  Mitch started.

----------------------------Flash back-----------------------------

*A week ago*

(Mitch's POV)

"Scott!!  Scott!!  Scott!!"  I called Scott, and shouted excitedly when he picked up.

"Yes, I'm listening, what's up?" Scott replied.

"You are not gonna believe what I just saw!!"  I exclaimed.

"Beyonce?"  Scott asked.

I rolled my eyes.


I told him the story.   Avi totally insulted Ashley, and she ran away, and then Avi chased her down.

"Avi went out to chase her, but both of them didn't come back.  I waited for quite some time, so I decided to go out and find them myself.  I walked for a few minutes, and-and-you not gonna believe this!!"  I said excitedly.

"You're killing me, what did you saw?"  Scott asked.

"I saw them making out!!!!"  I yelled.

"Oh my god, really!!?"  Scott exclaimed.

"Yesss!! And by making out, I mean really, really making out!!  With tongue and stuff!!!"  I said.

"Woah!!!  So are they a thing now?"  He asked.

"I don't know, I came back and call you."  I said. 

-----------------------------End of flash back----------------------------------

(Ashley's POV)

"That's why you weren't surprised when we told you that we're together!!"  I said to Mitch.

"Wait, wait.  I'm not finish yet.  That was the first time I saw you guys making out.  And then you guys just starting kissing everywhere in the house, and it's just disturbing!!"  Mitch said.

  "And now begin, incident two-"  Scott started.  Avi and I haven't got the time to talk.

---------------------------------------Flash back-----------------------------------

*Two days ago*

(Scott's POV)

Today, Pentatonix have a meeting on our new arrangements.

We are all sitting at the round table.

"So guys, did you practice your parts?"  Kevin asked.

"Yep, of course.  The bridge was a bit complicated, but I think I got it now."  Kirstie said.

"Same."  Mitch said.

"Good.  Scott?"  Kevin said, looking at me.

"Yeah, I totally got it."  I said.

"Okay.  Avi?"  Kevin asked.

Well, Avi didn't reply him, nor did he look at him.

He was staring blankly at the air, smiling.

"Avi."  Kevin called.

Nope, he's not here.

"Dude." Kevin called again.

Nope, still out.

"Oh, Ashley.  I thought you're working today.  Why did you come?"  Mitch said suddenly.

Avi snapped out of it, and turned his body facing the door.

"Ashley??  Where?"  Avi said.

Mitch smacked Avi's head from behind.

"She's not here, silly head.  What are you even thinking??"  Mitch said.

"Definitely not Ash.  I was thinking about...uh..  Fine, I was thinking about her.  She made this really cute face this morning, and I can't get over it.  It's adorable."  Avi blushed.

"Well, get over it.  We are working here!!"  Mitch said.

"Oh, I'm sorry."  Avi said.

----------------------End of flash back-------------------------------

(Ashley's POV)

 "And he spaced out a couple more times after that."  Scott finished.

"And now your time to talk."  Mitch said, crossing his arms.

"I feel so sorry that we bothered you."  I apologized.

"Ditto.  And I promised I'll try to control myself not to think about my beautiful girlfriend when we're working."  Avi nodded furiously.  And I nodded as well.

Mitch sighed.

"Guys, guys.  Forget about what we just said."  Mitch said.

Avi and I looked at him, confused.

"I guess, it's a good thing that you're into each other.  To be honest, I haven't seen Ash this happy before."  Mitch said.

"You make me happy."  I mumbled to Avi, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Avi smiled at me, and kissed my forehead.

"Awww..."  Mitch cooed.

"Take care of her.  If you ever hurt her, I'll kick your butt."  Scott said dramatically.

"Yes, Scott.  I'll never hut her, ever."  Avi said.

"And, if you are going to sleep together, you better have my permission first."  Scott said.

"Huh?  What..?"  I blushed.

"Yeah, and mine.  And not on that couch."  Mitch made an disgusted face.

"It's too soon..."  Avi said, blushing.

"Yeah, guys.."  I said.

We avoid looking at each other.

A/N:  A bit of a filler.  I am sorry.

But things are happening very quick!!

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