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Just like happened in the serial, Laksh married Kavya infront of Ragini and insulted her and her family. Shekhar was unable to bear Ragini's condition so he took both Swara and Ragini and left the house with his family. Shekhar took a vow from Swara to end all relations with the Maheshwaris..

Swasan separated right after their marriage..Ragini becomes more heart broken seeing this.. She blames herself for their pain..

Soon they all reached their house.. Sumi, dadi and Swara take Ragini to her room.. Ragini was in no state to say or do anything.. Some arguments like in the serial were going on in the house..

In MM all refused to accept Kavya, except Laksh.. He was determined with his decision and to start his new life with Kavya.. Kavya asked the Maheshwaris to leave the house as they refused to accept her.. Laksh reveals that the whole property is now on his name..

Ragini in her room could hear everything what they are saying.. It was only increasing her pain.. She was remembering everything that happened today.. She has seen so many dreams about her marriage with Laksh but everything broke. Everything finished within few seconds.

All her dreams are shattered again and this time also by the person whom she loves by all her heart.. This time also Laksh showed her dreams, gave her false hopes and then when she was in her dreamland, when she was on cloud 9, he snatched everything from her, like he always do. Just like he did on her engagement and other days.. He crushed her love and heart under his feet.. Again he used her for his benefits.. This was supposed to be the best day of her life but her love only made it the worst day of her life..

What could be worse than this, the person whom you love truly betrays you calling your love an obsession?

Ragini's love for Laksh was genuine. She always fight for him alone, she always made sacrifices to keep their relationship alive without anyone's support but she couldn't get anything except pain and betrayal..

Ragini falls beside the bed with a thud and breaks down remembering Laksh's fake love and betrayal..

Ragini's Pov,

Why Laksh? Why you did all this to me? I didn't knew that you hate me to this extent. All my life I always thought that love is superior than everything, even more than life. That's why I forgave you when you kidnapped me, when you tried to kill me. That's why I trusted even after that.. You know Laksh I never stopped loving you even after knowing what you did with me.. when you said you love me that day I have decided that I'll free you from this fake relationship.. I'll give you the freedom you want. I didn't came to you that day.. You yourself came to me and said that you love me.. My mind was saying that you were lying but my heart was still beating for you.. Why you played with my emotions? Why you played with my love? If you would have asked just once then I would have given you divorce.. But you only wanted to destroy my life.. Today I realized that you never loved me, forget love you didn't even consider me as human.. What you did for the sake of your ego, revenge and anger, no one would have done and I'll never forget this.. But this isn't your fault.. Its my fault.. It my fault to blindly trust you again and again knowing that you always broke my trust, knowing that you always used me.. I loved you unconditionally and you gave me the pain of life..

But Laksh If you wanted to hurt me then you should have only hurt me? Why you hurt my family? Why you insulted my family? Why you slapped my father? Why you separated Swara and Sanskar? You should have only insulted me.. Your rivalry was only from me.. Then why?

I'm not upset that the person whom I loved left me but because I again became the reason of misery of my family..

Ragini's Pov ends

Ragini was crying and was lost in deep thoughts when Swara came. She runs to her and took her in her embrace..

Swara : Ragini, please calm down. Everything will be fine ok. Just have faith in God..

Ragini broke the hug and looked at Swara with tears in her eyes.

Ragini : Swara, I again became the reason of your pain.. Why you still love me so much?

Swara : No Ragini, don't say that. Its not your fault.. Now don't think about all that.. You change your clothes.. I'll bring your food here..

Ragini nods.. Swara left to bring food for Ragini.. Ragini gets up from her place..

Ragini olv No matter what you say Swara its my fault.. You all are in pain because of me.. My family was again embarrassed in front of everyone because of me.. You are separated from Sanskar because of me.. I'm the reason.. Every time I become the reason of all of your misery and shame.. And now I have to put things back to normal.. Now you all will never face any problems because of me..

Ragini writes her suicide note and cuts her wrist. Blood was flowing from her arm.. She falls down on the floor..

Precap : KavLak visits Godadia and gets insulted. Swasan union..

Sorry, I'm not interested in KavLak and family drama that's why I didn't wrote about them in this part otherwise this part wouldn't ended..

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