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Laksh (shouts) : Ragini.... How dare you?

Kavya gets up and looks at Ragini in anger.

Kavya : You.... How dare you to slap me. Do you know who I am?

Ragini : No. Who are you and what will you do? Say.. I'm waiting.

Kavya looks at her in anger and other in shock. Ragini comes a little closer to Kavya.

Ragini : What happened? You don't have anything to say. Well I have.. Its my sister's bidai ceremony so please don't make a scene here.

Laksh becomes angry.

Laksh : Ragini just stop this drama

Ragini : (yelled) And you both stop your drama.. What are you both doing here? Don't you have any other work. And about your brother, I'm sure you are not concerned about your brother or anyone at all. So how dare the two of you come here, insult me in my house and ruin my family function. Who the hell do you both think about yourself?

Kavya : Shut up you behen ji. Its all because of you. You are separating me and Laksh from our family.

Ragini : No. It wasn't my fault. Its yours. I'm uniting the families and Swasan you bitch.

Kavya (angrily) : You...

Ragini : Don't dare to speak to me in that tone.

Kavya : Or what will you do?

Ragini : You would not want to know.

Laksh: what will you do Ragini. We want to know.

Ragini: I will get you arrested for my kidnap, attemt to murder and rape. You will get a life imprisonment or a death sentence then. and I'll make sure that you couldn't escape it.

Laksh and everyone else become shocked seeing her behavior.

Kavya (angrily) what the gell are you saying? My Laksh can never do anything like that.

Ragini: ask your husband. He will tell you what you what else he did to take revenge, what he did after taking my sign. He will tell you everything in brief. Right?

Kavya looked at Laksh hoping Ragini was wrong but his expressions shows something else. He was ashamed of his acts. He never wanted to go so deep in his revenge. He wanted to hurt Ragini, teach her a lesson which she remember all her life. He wanted to apologise but his ego overpowered that emotion making him believe that Ragini isn't right. She can never be. On the other hand AP and DP were heartbroken. Never in their worst dreams they thought their son can do something like this. Something so cheap.

Ragini: Laksh blaming and accusing someone else doesn't make you great. You see everyone's mistake. Have you ever tried to see your own mistake. I'm not characterless and selfish but you surely are. I don't think that I have to remind you about it at least not in front of your wife. Next time you try to say anything about me trust it won't be good for you.

Laksh : You are threatening me?

Ragini : assume it the way you want. Just don't interfere in my life or I'll forget that you are my sister's BIL. Get out or I'm calling the police and will get you both arrested..

Ragini said taking her phone and calling the police.

Laksh was angry. Kavya was a little scared. Ragini looked very serious and angry. Kavya forcefully takes him from their.

After they left, Ragini was broken but she composed herself for her family. She didn't show anyone how much broken she is.

The function continued and Swara's bidai took place after sometime.

Precap: Laksh feels guilty.


Do you want Ragini as a successful business women or as a famous singer

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