Chapter 4

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After breakfast, I changed into one of my extra clothes I bought along. "Hey, let's go." Jungkook called me. "Okay!!" I shouted loud enough for Jungkook to hear. He's mostly home alone because his parents are busy but they do spend time together alot.

I get all of my stuffs and ran downstairs. "Finally I can go homeee." I said while stretching. "No, we're not" Jungkook said. "Whyyyy???" I whined. "You're still my girlfriend." He replied. "It's just a pretend thing, are we gonna meet your parents again??" I asked. Jungkook shrugged and got in his car, I followed and buckled my own seatbelt.

He drove to a mall which was nearby. I got off "hey, I'm not dressed decent enough, I can't meet your parents like this!" I said. "I didn't say we were gonna meet with my parents. Why? You want my mom to accept you?" Jungkook smirked while leaning in to say. "Tsk, stop being annoying." I pushed his head away.

"Let's go shopping!" Jungkook said. "What? NO! Not with you!" I said. "Why? Do you hate me?" Jungkook said and suddenly became serious. "No, w-what if j-just somebody from school sees us?" I stammered, not knowing what i'm saying. "Then let it be." He said and pulled my hands. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"You can let go of my hands right now." I said once we were in the mall. Jungkook looked at me and his lips immediately quirked up to form a smirk. "I don't want to" he said and instead of letting go he intertwined his fingers between mine. I widened my eyes and I can hear my heart thumping.

I shook my hands away from his, I feel uncomfortable. What is this even supposed to mean? I'm sure he's just using me just like in those dramas and he's gonna hurt me once I fall in love with him, isn't he? Jungkook stared shockingly at me, "can't you just hold my hands?"

"M-my hands are s-sweaty" I replied stammering. "I don't mind" he glared at me and attempted to hold my hands but I pulled my hands away. "Do you hate me this much?" He asked. "Are you crazy? You were the one who used to bully me at school, what do you expect?" I said angrily.

"Look, I know what you mean, but it's in the past now, just forget about it." He said. "What? You embarrased me I don't even know how many times in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL, and you want me to forgive you just because you invited me to some fancy party and met your parents?" I raised my voice at him.

He stared at me shockedly while I talk. "It doesn't work like this JungKook, look, you may have shown me a different side of you yesterday, but don't forget how mean you used to treat me." I said and walked out of the mall leaving him alone.

Tsk, what is that guy even thinking! Did he bang his head and got amnesia?" Ugh, whatever. I don't have enough money on me so what am I gonna do now. I mentally slapped myself, why am I so dumb!

I have a few bucks so I decided to take the train. After I bought the tickets, I sat on a seat and wait for the train, but JungKook can't seem to leave my mind. Why the hell am I even thinking of him!

Just as I was trying to clear my mind, someone called me "y/n?" I turned around immediately and saw WenJun. "Oh? WenJun?! It's you!" I replied and my face lit up into a smile, I never thought I could meet him anywhere else except those fancy parties.

"What are you doing here? Isn't it quite far from where you live?" I asked him. "I think I should the one asking you, a girl shouldn't be wandering alone, don't you think so?" Wenjun asked. "I wasn't wandering, something just came up...." I said and sighed. "So why are you here?" I asked him.

"I came here for some errands, by the way who was that guy yesterday at the party, is he your boyfriend?" Wenjun asked. "Nonono! He's just a friend." I immediately denied. "Wow, he's really protective over you." He chuckled.

"Where are you heading to?" I asked.

"I believe the same destination as you." He replied.

"Huh?" I don't understand. "You'll see later." Moments later, the train arrived and we got on together. I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. "Just rest for now." Wenjun said and pulled my head softly onto his shoulder, maybe because too much is going on, I fell right asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt someone poking my arm. I realised I was sleeping on Wenjun's lap and immediately sit upright. "Sorry, I'm just too tired." I apologised. "It's ok, come on we're about to reach.

Once we arrived at our stop I asked Wenjun "so where exactly are you going?" "I told you, same with you." He replied. "But I'm going back to my house!" I'm confused.

"Just follow me." He pulled my hands while walking.

"Hey, I really need to go home, I'm tired..." I said lazily but he ignored me and pulled me onto a cab.

I stayed awake this time, I was almost home anyways. Once we arrived, we got off the cab together. "Thank you for today, I'll get going now." I said and was going to turn around into my house but wait.... "how did you know where my house is??" I asked Wenjun shockedly. "I told you I was going to the same destination as you." He answered.

"What? Why?" I asked. Just as he was about to answer, my mom came out of the front door. "Y/n! Wenjun! What are you guys doing out there? Come on in!" Wenjun walked past me and said "told you".

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