Monster High Chapter 3

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Monster High Chapter 3.

Here is the next chapter so enjoy.


Cy attempted to say goodbye, but I quickly shrugged in response. After Rose and he said theirs, she led me to our room.

When I got in, I was surprised that it resembled my room, every single detail from the purple silk curtains to the blue carpet on the floor. I didn't know that the room was enchanted. The school cast a spell called the eye of the beholder. This meant that everything I ever would have wanted in a room was there, although the sight of bunk beds made me frown. Two plaid covered beds supported by maple wood which  looked out of place. I also checked the bathroom which to my demise was small.

"Bunk beds?" I asked her. She didn't reply as she went to the bathroom.

The bathroom was the smallest place in our room, measuring of about 6 by 6 feet which was pretty small for a typical bathroom. The lush decor though was it's highlight. An antique oval mirror was the center piece, patterned by endless rhinestones. It was simply divine. Aside from the mirror, the room also contained tiny pink tiles which had printed names of all the monsters in the world. That was cool too.

What I saw next made me flip.

She had all her belongings scattered around the room as if she owned it. A couple of tees were here and there, five short dresses piled near the window.

"Excuse me? But I think you need to clean up." I quietly said as I put my things near the bottom bed.

"WHAT??" She asked unwittingly. I just wanted to mess her up right then and there.

I burst opened the bathroom door and saw her shaving her legs, I didn't care.

"I said I need you to clean your mess up or we're gonna have a problem." I said calmly hoping that my other self won't cause any problems.

What she did next was reckoned to happen. She swirled her finger, gathering nearby water to a suitable amount. After she thought it was enough, she threw the water at me but I managed to duck, letting it hit the wall behind me. The impact of her throw however was so robust that it cracked the tiles.

She frowned as it was my turn. I hastily closed my eyes, imagining that water surrounded me. She whimpered as she heard the tiles continuously shake. One by one, they popped and fell. Pipes around us rumbled as pressurized water came near. As the outburst of water happened, I took a peek and I saw her flying, constrained by the smallness of our bathroom. She was found hugging the ceiling, looking frightened. There was one thing Nature Fairies hated, and that was getting their wings wet.

"Okay, I'm sorry I give up" She begged. I stopped and saw that her face was masked with true sincerity. Was she just faking? I would never know.

With just one blink, the water was gone. I could tell that she wasn't an experienced Nature Fairy. If she was, she would have been able to handle the outflow of the water, reverse its direction and make it strike me. That would have been a nightmare.

"Okay, does that mean you're gonna clean our room?" I asked rhetorically. Still scared half to death, she hurriedly cleaned the room, and it was spotless.

Of course, fear can only contain one for so long.

"Your school schedule is on the table, if you need anything I'll be at Cy's and please don’t hesitate to call." I wasn't able to catch the last words as she closed the purple wooden door. This led me to realize that I'm really here, one of the most prestigious schools for monsters. No friends and no family. My parents were against the use of cell phones. Their reasoning included, it could ruin our mind, and why would we need to communicate through it if mom can keep tabs on each of us. I wondered why she still didn't check up on me. Well there was no use wondering.

So I took a look at my schedule and saw that the education system in this school was specialized.

I had courses like, Dealing with Psychosis, and even the occasional History of Monsters. Dealing with Psychosis was special for people with different personalities like me. It dealt with staying grounded on reality and not making our other personalities get the best of us. History of Monsters basically taught the different monsters in the world and how they came to be, how they got their reputation, and the risk they imposed.

Physical Education was co-ed and the students here were ranked by their abilities. I may have had physical ed with Cy, I still wasn't prepared to confront him. As I saw the complete list, Cy and Rose's names caught my eye, 5th and 20th respectively. Those ranks were pretty high considering the fact that the school contained about a 1000 monsters from Ghouls to Zombies. I guess I was wrong about Rose being weak, maybe she took it easy on me. As I continued to survey my schedule, I saw a footnote in the bottom.

It read: "Those who are new are expected to fulfill an entrance exam. Dates are shown in one's schedule."

I checked mine and I saw it dated "Aug. 23, 2010".

"Isn't that tomorrow?" I asked myself. Panic surged through me. What would I do? Was the test gonna be written or practical?

I fidgeted in my bed, wondering what was the test going to be about.

I continued reading and it stated that I was to be in the training room at 9 sharp.

It was getting late; I needed to get some rest. I drifted off to sleep dreaming of success for tomorrow. Theoretically, monsters didn't dream, our mind mechanism inputs our wishes and makes them a reality. I had several scenarios about the test, first, that I passed a written test all about general science and history and second, I passed the test by running a rigorous training course. Of course these scenarios were subject to change.

I woke up to the sound of bats mischievously prancing around our jalousie windows. Bats slept in the morning, so it was questionable when I heard them. I didn't know that that was the school's morning bell. I looked around me and there was no sign of Rose, guess she slept at Cy's. What a w*hore. Okay, I was a little jealous of her. I never had the chance to mention my silly little crush on Cy when he immediately broke our friendship in exchange for popularity. Till this day, I never was over him. I just acted as if I was annoyed because I couldn't stand the fact that he was a jerk. A jerk that broke my heart.

I looked at the time and saw it was 7:30; I had an hour and a half to prepare for the test. I did a couple of breathing exercises to lighten up my sour mood. " In , Out, In, out" I said out loud.

I walked to the bathroom to do all my daily routines; brush my teeth, comb my hair, and take a warm shower. As I have guessed I forgot all my toiletries in my bag so I used Rose's. Her shampoo, soap and all other beauty products were herbal. Guess she was a nature freak.

After I was done, I dressed into a black leotard and a mini-dress, suspecting that it was gonna get physical. Who was I kidding? Of course it was gonna be physical. Monsters were gonna be ranked by their abilities, I doubt it was gonna be by their intelligence.

My schedule gave me directions to the training room from my room. It said go straight left until I see a room with green hand prints. This was the indication that it was the training room.

As I was on my way, I saw the halls were pretty much empty except for some late students who tried to make it to their classes. The hall as of the rest of the mansion was painted dark blue, smoke coming out of each classroom fogged the place. There were no posters, no announcements, no nothing, just a couple of old paintings located on every corner. All the legendary monsters were arranged by their rule. I saw Dracula's, my mom's and my dad's. It was best that I kept that secret to myself. Not only would that compromise the befriending factor but also conjure high expectations from the teachers.

When I reached the hand printed door, I knew it was the training room because of its name printed in big bold letters, I was greeted by a man who seemed normal at best. The room possessed a high tech system near a see through glass. It bore the professional look and had few but lackluster furniture.

"Hello you must be Marina, I talked to your parents yesterday and they said you're really special." The man kept on babbling.

"Oh how rude of me, my name is Mr. Z" He took my hand and shook it softly.

As I stared at his features, I couldn't help but be mesmerized. His dark blue eyes stared intently at me as if he was reaching into my soul. His facial features were all defined from his luscious lips to his raised cheekbones. He encompassed all the Godly features a girl could ever ask for but sadly he had a high position in this school and that was a big no no.

"Marina?" He asked, sounding worried. I nodded.

"I'll explain the test to you now. You are going to battle 5 students from this academy. They are picked randomly by the system so it would be fair. Outside these metal doors is your first test, Good luck" Mr. Z barked as he took a seat near a see through glass on the left of the room.

I opened the metal door and found a huge open space. My first enemy played carelessly with her phone, she seemed bored. The threat I imposed was not still known so it was perfectly understandable.

"Hi---"I said before Mr. Z gave the go signal.

The room then changed into a swamp and I was standing on a firm lily pad.

My enemy stood at the opposite side of the room and just smiled quietly.

"Good luck to both students and let's start" Mr. Z enthusiastically said exploding with joy. Was this guy a sadist?

"Good luck and my name's Evita" she said sweetly.

Evita in all honesty wasn't the shiniest pearl in the ocean. She resembled somewhat of a frog to me, arched back, wrinkled face, and short black hair. I discovered that I was right when she had demonstrated her abilities.

She jumped in the swamp and began discharging oil all around. This was to prevent me from a swift escape and to grant faster movement for her.
Part of the entrance exam was the unknown ability each student had.

I leaned down and I dipped my finger in the water, circling the small space and it began to create a whirlpool.

Evita tried to swim away, but she was unsuccessful. The current started to get stronger and I had no choice but to end the battle before any serious injuries could happen.

I called on to the skies, "Lightning, I summon you." A heavy cloud started to form on top of Evita's head. Thunder roared through the skies, making the swamp creepier than it already was.

"I'm sorry, but I hope we can be friends." I honestly said as I flicked my finger at her direction zapping her and the water. She instantly felt electrocuted and water being an insulator, added to the intensity of the strike. She floated unconsciously, no life apparent.


"Congratulations Marina! Go on through the door and we will take care of Evita" Mr. Z said before a few number of people came and took Evita away. He was rather overjoyed by the fact that I passed my first test. Was it because I passed or Evita got hurt?

Like my first battle, the other two were just as easy. I battled a mindless zombie with unbelievable speed and a vampire with teleportation skills. As I entered the 4th door where my next enemy waited, I was surprised to see Rose sitting carefully on the ground. The room contained nothing but empty space just like the last three rooms. This room however looked bigger in comparison.

The intercom on top of us spoke hurtful words, "First lesson of Monster High, Don't trust anyone. So we put you up with one of your friends. Guess we gave the last student away."

It couldn't be, Cy? He was on the next room waiting for me. I had to get through.

Rose spoke to me again but this time she sounded dangerous. "It won't be as easy as before. I will get my revenge." Her smile looked menacing. What was she planning?

I simply said, "Bring it on!" The room around us started to change.

The open space then turned into a big field of roses.

"START!" Mr. Z said through the intercom again.

In a split second Rose charged full on, with flight advantage, she quickly gained speed. Her eyes were filled with danger and mystery. She looked as if she was possessed. Possessed by jealousy and hurt. Was she jealous of me and Cy? She couldn't be because we weren't an item. I wished we were.
I was about to dodge her attack when I saw the flowers constrict me, the thorns cutting through my skin. I was stuck there for a few minutes when she punched my face haphazardly which unfortunately might leave a bruise.

"Aah" I yelped. I heard her laughing.

I got an idea; I quickly chanted the Greek words for electrical embodiment, "ilektrismos omada". Electricity surged through me, making me feel both strong and invincible. She didn't see this side of me yet, my elements were trickier to control than usual. When I was calm or in my angel persona, I could control water easily but when I was angry or in my devil persona, electricity flowed through me.

Surprised, she summoned a gust of wind to counter my electricity. I felt the pressure as I was lifted off the ground. I smiled as I had no choice but to go berserk. In my current state, I spun rapidly in the air using her wind to form an electrical tornado, the static gathering all the roses together. Without a single word I gave it my all sent it to her direction and hoped that it would hit her. Luckily it did, she screamed both in rage and pain as I saw her kneeling. Bruises were spotted everywhere on her body. It was a sign of weakness and relief washed through me as she fainted.

The familiar buzzer rang again, signaling my victory. I couldn't have been any happier as I heard it.

"Marina that was a terrific fight, one more challenge awaits. Go through the last door and await your fate." Mr. Z simply said. This time he was serious.

This was it, Cy's through that door, why couldn't I move my feet? Was it because I was tired or was I afraid to face him?

I entered through the last door and saw him smiling happily as if he had witnessed a miracle. Guess he had no faith in me at all.



Lolz stay tuned for the next chapter

Thanks very much :)

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