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Anne's POV

Anne Shirley throws her phone onto her bed and pops up, staring around her room in silence. Everything felt different and she hated it. She stares at her reflection in her closet mirror, noticing the sleeplessness has finally caught up with her.

"Hey Anne," Josie Pye whispers as she enters Anne's room. She leans against a wall and crosses her arms, staring down at the floor.

"Hi Josie," Anne says, trying to muster up a half smile. The tall blonde looks beyond tired and sad. Her hair was tied up in a tight bun and she was wearing something close to pajamas.

"So Mr. and Mrs. Gillis wanted me to ask if you wanted to be a part of Ruby's funeral," Josie mumbles, her voice trailing off towards the end of her sentence.

"Of course, but can we talk about this later? I'm on my way to Di's," Anne says, standing up from her spot on the bed. "You can join me, if you want."

"I would, but I was just over there and I was going to bake her some cookies. I'll probably bring Levi when I go over next," Josie says, shrugging her shoulders.

"Minnie May loves him," Anne grins a tiny bit at the mention of the Pye's family dog. "She'll be insanely happy to see him!"

"I hope so. I just want to somehow bring a smile to Di's face," Josie sighs, placing her hand on the doorknob. "I'll text you when I'm leaving with Levi."

"Sounds like a plan," Anne tries to smile as Josie leaves her room. The redhead takes a look around her room, noticing how many Polaroids were spread out across the baby blue walls. Most of them include Ruby, which causes Anne's heart to yearn.


"Hey kindred spirit," Anne says, popping her head around the doorframe of Diana Barry's room. Diana was under her pale pink covers, only the ends of her raven black hair poking out. Anne frowns, her hands flying to the ends of her braids. She twists them; a nervous tick of hers. "Di..."

"At least she's not crying," Anne thinks to herself as she walks over towards Diana's bed and sits down. She gently pats the bed to find Diana's body and starts to rub her back softly.

"Stupid world," Diana mumbles, flipping herself over and poking her head out of her covers. "Stupid, stupid world."

"I know," Anne whispers, nodding her head along to Diana's words. "I know it's hard to believe-"

"Don't told me that it will get better. Elliot already came over and told me that," Diana groans, pushing herself up to a sitting position. "How is it supposed to get better?"

"Ruby doesn't want you sitting around crying. She wants you to grieve for a little, but do everything in memory of her. She wants you sneaking into bars and kissing people she would find suitable for you. She wants you to go to the beach with your friends before we all leave again," Anne says, staring hard at the girl in front of her. She believes that's what Ruby wants for Diana. She wants happiness for her girl.

"We were supposed to get married," Diana mumbles, her head falling into her hands.

"I'm so sorry Diana," Anne says softly, gently pulling Diana's hands off her face and holding them in her own. "She will always stay with you."

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