25 - kissing.

790 77 12

↪ xxv.

          Niall shoves Leah's bag on the back of his car, he actually convinced her to go. Two weeks later, that is. They drive in a comfortable silence, with his hand on Leah's knee. 

Hours and hours pass, the sun sets and he stops the car in a hill. They overlook the sun setting and stare at the tall buildings whilst eating a drive-through meal. Leah spills barbecue sauce on Niall's white t-shirt, which makes him laugh so hard that there is tears on his eyes. Leah bites her lip, observing how beautiful he looks like that. It was the first time he'd ever laugh so hard in years.

Niall had previously explained why he was being paid, his exact words were "I was desperately looking for money for Lucy's treatments. With that money I could've payed for her to stay alive longer, but I ended up giving it all to your mom. But I think it was worth it, because now I have you." 

Leah felt like a prick, she was mad at Niall for wanting his sister alive longer. But her guilt flew away once he started kissing her cheek continuously. Time flew by and it was already dark, no hotel's where in sight so they had to sleep in the back seat of the car. Niall grabbed a pillow from his trunk and a blanket. 

"How are we going to sleep in that small space?" Leah asks laughing at Niall.

"Simple, you'll lay on top of me." He says, Leah blushes profusely. It's good that he has his back turned from her in that moment.

Niall finishes setting up their "bed" and takes of his shirt. Leah scans his torso blushing.

"W-what are you doing?" her voice embarrassingly sounds cracked. Niall smirks.

"Changing shirts after you spilled your sauce all over it." he explains and Leah laughs. 

Niall proceeds in laying himself on the seat, he instructs Leah to lay on top of him. Leah bites her lip and takes her shoes off, gently laying her body on top of Niall's. She closes the door with her foot. Although there is limited amount of space, they manage to lay there besides each other, their faces fairly close.

Niall begins kissing her forehead, then her nose, then her chin. 

"I have something to confess." he says quietly. "I'm afraid of kissing you."

Leah stays silent, not knowing what to say.

"It's just-- your lips. They look so plump and pink and just perfect. So delicate." he runs his thumb through her bottom lip, Leah closes her eyes.

"Well, you know what they say about fears. You have to face them." She hums.

And Niall does what she says.



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