Brief History

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  2014 was the last year that the Philippines was a republican country. That year was total darkness for the archipelago. The government was in total disarray because of the revelation of corruption from people that the nation didn't expect to do such spiteful things. It staged a great war in politics that left the state so vulnerable that when the colonization started, all was already lost. No blood was spilled. They didn't even get to fight. Who would fight for them when the military has been taken over by the foreign conqueror? What's more funny is the fact that the country is almost 5 times bigger than the country who colonized it, Luxembourg. It only has an estimate population of over 500, 000. Compared to the Philippines' millions, they should've easily won but the leaders have let the people down. They wanted power for themselves. They became greedy. They don't even deserved to be where they are to be so I think what happened back then was more beneficial to the state.

The whole government has collapsed and a new form was instated. Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy replaced the republic and the country became under the rule of the current Luxembourg Grand Duke of that time, Prince Henri. Rebuilding was difficult, it was in total chaos. There were people who opposed the new government but they were overpowered by those who wanted change. Sooner, all the uprisings halted. All those officials who was guilty of corruption and plunder was charged and imprisoned and the Philippines became peaceful again.

A year had passed and the sovereign monarch declared that ruling the archipelago from the mainland proved to be rather difficult due to the extreme distance from the mainland. They decided that it's best if the Philippines will have its own King that is native of Luxembourg. So that same year, Hugo Iverson landed in the state and became the very first monarch. He was kind, humble and a very down to Earth King. He took to heart the Filipino customs and lived as close to the Filipinos as possible. That's how he learned that even though it was peaceful and the people has never shown any form of resistance, the Filipinos still wants to be freed. It's within they're nature. And it touched he's heart.

He appealed to the mainland Grand Duke about the Filipino's desire for emancipation. Of course the Grand Duke was enraged thinking that King Hugo's mind has bean polluted by the people from the native. He ordered for King Hugo to step down the throne coupled by a warrant of arrest. Word of this spread throughout the state and as the mainland military force arrive to arrest the King, the people stood in between them. They stood there, millions of them, arm in arm just to protect the King. The Grand Duke was stunned by how much the citizen loved their King as if he was one of their own. No more words where needed. No more force was implemented. The Philippines regained its freedom and the citizen was really thankful of King Hugo for standing up with them. It was emancipated but they never want to commit the same mistake of putting the evils in power. They asked for King Hugo to stay and continue being the King. He was hesitant because he wanted to return the country to the people it belonged to. But he was just well loved and though he was not by blood and flesh a Filipino, he will always be by heart. With that he retain his throne and vowed that to be able to return the crown to it's original owner, all the Royals that will come from his blood line will only marry a pure and only a true born Filipino woman. So that's how the Iverson Family's rule began.

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