Chapter 4. The Second Best

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“You sure they'll be here?” I ask as I exhaled the last smoke from the cigarette I lit a few minutes ago. My knuckles have been fidgety accompanied by frequent stomping of feet since we arrive in this deserted alley deep within the suburb.

“Yeah, be patient Chili. You'll get your fix soon.” Ezra, who is standing on my right side, answered confidently. He was leaning on his car with his arms folded across his chest. Short brunet hair, brown skin, night black eyes, pointy nose, thin lips, sharp jaws and high cheek bones all that adds to his six foot two inches stature.

“Our Prince sure is unforgiving.” Matthew from the other side commented. A lot of people thinks he came from a Chinese bloodline because of his features. He got chinky eyes with a lighter shade of black compared to Ezra. He is also an inch shorter than both of us (yeah I'm also 6'2”, hence Cress a.k.a. Prince Jerrod also is). Black wavy shoulder-length hair framed his pale white complexion.

“Nobody messes up with me and gets away with it.” I said in clenched teeth as I threw the cigarette butt and crushed it under my foot.

“Woah, scary scary. Where is Cress anyway? He really shouldn't be missing these kinds of fun.” Ezra said.

I didn't answer. First, he already know the “Why's”. Second, I know it's illogical and completely unreasonable but there's this small feeling inside me that hated the fact that he's still looking for him in spite of me being here already. I don't know when exactly I started to feel this way, but when you're living your whole life as the second in line and the second priority, you kinda associate yourself being the second best as well. It can really get into you. And I'm afraid it's getting slowly but surely into me now. Loud roars of motorcycles broke the silence and alerted my attention. From a distance, five, no six, riding in tandems came into view.

“Okay, the party is about to start.” Matthew uttered as he tied his hair into a ponytail and took the spot on my left side. The bikers arrived and made a half circle around the three of us. Eleven all in all.

“Oh, so they are only the palace goons you brought.” the one at the center of the circle, probably the leader of the pack, said as he got off his motorcycle and started walking towards me. He's kind of bulky and bald with piercing on his nose. The other ten bikers, already on their feet, burst out laughing. He just continued until he's on my striking distance. I took a glance on Ezra, who was cocking his head from side to side, and Matthew who was stretching both his arms. My knuckles are really itching already.

“So you didn't learn from the mistake of that stupid friend of...” the big guy trailed off as I throw a right hook that connected to his face sending him staggering back.

“Oops, sorry. Should I have waited for you to finish talking? My fist can get a little out of control sometimes.” I shot back.

“Fool.” he said that was the cue for his puppies to start attacking. Four men went after me. I saw Ezra from the corner of my eye being tagged team by three. Matthew already knocked out one man and was grinning like an idiot as he dodges the punches being thrown at him. I evaded the first one who attempted to punch me in the face then grab his arm as I thrust my right knee into his stomach. He curled into a ball as he fall to the floor. I ducked as two guys lunged at once and they collided with a loud crack as I threw an uppercut to the other guy who seemed to be too surprised to react. The two men who hit each other was starting to get back on their feet so I headed back towards their direction. I was halfway there when I heard Ezra calling out.

“Jarred!” he shouted.

I had a moment to wonder why as a strong impact hit me in the head bringing me on my knee. Then I felt a fist connecting onto my right cheek sending me backwards making my eyes blurry. As my vision cleared I saw the boss holding a piece of wood smirking. What a sneaky, coward asshole.

“Jarred!” Ezra called out again as he throw out a punch to a guy who was on his way. Seriously? This guy drinks too much caffeine, I'd tell him to pound it down after this. I got on my feet and raised my hand waving him off. Matthew was already onto the guys I was supposed to beat up.

Their leader started towards me again, wood raised. I stepped aside as he smashed it hitting the air. I knocked it off his grip and tackled him, tripping him flat on his back.

“Hey hey....I'm sorry okay...I...I..Don't hurt me...” the big guy said. I think I felt Ezra and Matthew now standing behind me. I grab him by his collar and raised him a bit. Don't hurt him? After he gangs on one of my friends, don't hurt him?

“This one is for sneaking up on me.” I said as I punch him on the face with my right fist.

“And this one is for beating up Pat.” I said as I give him another one, but this time much harder knocking him out.

“What a pussy.” Matthew commented.

“You alright?” Ezra asked as I stood up my back still on them.

“You worry too much.” I said as I walk past them. They didn't even get a scratch.

“Shit, you're bleeding!” Ezra cursed. I raised an eyebrow and wiped my cheek with my hand.

“I am bleeding.” I said smiling as I get into Matt's car.

“We're totally gonna get fucked up again.” I faintly heard him say to Ezra as they make their way back to the car.

It's half past nine and I went straight home in spite of Ezra and Matt's non-stop egging to get my bruising cheek fixed first. I told them I don't want to get medical stuff outside the palace but the truth is, I just want my parents to see me with this. Of all the times I get myself into trouble, this was the first time I get bruised. I know it's kind of petty but if this gets me a little bit of their attention, I'm all good with that. I saw the guard from the post recognize my vehicle so the gate opened for me and I drove my car into the parking lot of the palace. I get inside expecting to get some scolding but I was still surprised when I saw my mom waiting by the living room. Sebastian is there as well. She quickly stood up and walked towards me. I wasn't sure what to expect so I just braced myself.

“Have you been with Prince Jerrod this afternoon?” my mother asked.

Oh. I sure didn't expect that. No, “What happened?” or “Are you okay?”. There's not even scolding for fuck's sake. It's still Jerrod. Have I been with Jerrod? I'm hurt here Mom! I silently thought but of course I can't say that out loud.

“No your Majesty.” I whispered and bow my head a little bit. I t seems like she want's to ask something else but she did not. Instead, I notice her eyes squints a little when her eyes landed on my face. So she finally sees it.

“What is...” She was reaching out a hand to touch my cheek when the door suddenly opened and caught her attention.

“Prince Jerrod!” she exclaimed and basically run towards him. Whatever it is she saw, she totally have forgotten about it.

“What are you thinking? Where have you been?” I heard the queen asked mildly.

“You had us worried sick!”

“I'm okay. I'm sorry if I had you worried.” Cress said and continued walking, the queen and Sebastian behind him. He stopped when he saw me. He studied me for a moment.

“What happened to your face?” he asked.

“Nothing.” I just shrugged and look away. Of course he notice it. He grab me by the shoulder and intends to ask again but the queen had Sebastian to drag him away. She was about to follow them then suddenly stop mid-step and face me.

“Go get that checked up on the clinic. We'll talk later.” She said then hurried away.

“Whatever.” I muttered to myself unsure of what I am feeling at the moment.

-- End of Chapter 4 --

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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