Chapter 2. One Faithful Encounter

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I wasn't too eager to do anything after the good news I received at breakfast from the King. I currently am not in a relationship, in fact I never had any emotional attachment with any girl at all. I steer away from things like that because of this predetermined future I have. I should be prepared but my heart still felt heavy just thinking of possibly spending the rest of my life with an anonymous girl who I might not like no matter how much I try. And that sets the mood for me for my entire day.

Chili has gone out but unlike him, I m not free to go anywhere I like, anytime I like. I remember when we were younger, he will be having a good time over at our friend's house during weekends while I'd be left here inside the palace studying Royal Customs and Traditions and The Crown Prince's Responsibilities among other things. Now that I'm done with all the studying, I get allowed to go out of the palace sometimes, but not without a bodyguard tailing me anywhere I go and it's really frustrating that I just wouldn't wanna go out at all. School is the only place I can ever be without the palace goons so I stay there as long as I am allowed to. When at home, I'm always just lounging at the living room reading books like I'm doing now. I'm trying to distract myself by reading Mitchell Albom but so far it's not working. I put the book on a table near the sofa I was sitting and pressed both of my palms on my forehead.

“What is bothering you, Prince Jerrod?” Sebastian asked from near the door.

“Is that a trick question or am I really supposed to answer it?” I snapped which of course made me feel guilty as soon as it left my mouth. If I offended him, he didn't let me see it, instead he walked closer until he was by my side.

“Forgive me for my rudeness but these things are etched to your future, your majesty. You know it is bound to happen. You've been preparing for it to happen. You shouldn't be too upset about it. You may not be able to escape the Palace and its customs but there are many ways you can refuse to be a total Palace puppet. All Princes from the past have the same problems as you are today, they loathed being married young to someone they didn't even know. They tried to fight it but it's always been a lost cause. But yet they all ended up happy. So why not start being different by showing them that you can accept this fate you have at the moment and actually be happy with it.” he calmly said.

He's right. He's always right. He always know what to say to shut me up. What a talent he has. I may never escape the claws of the Palace but I certainly can change the things I think is completely wrong about it. And I know where I should start, and no, certainly it's not about acceptance. I checked the time from my wrist watch, it's only four in the afternoon.

“I'm going out.” I said. Sebastian didn't seem surprised as he quickly check his planner.

“I'll be notifying the guards that will be accompanying you this instant...”

“Ok, ok. Let me rephrase that. I'm going out. Alone.” I corrected.

I can't believe I actually had my way with Sebastian. There was nothing he was able to do the moment I took a car key from him. Of course I can't bring my Blue Bentley Continental because it will be like shouting to the world, “Hey, I'm the Crown Prince! Look at me!”, so I took a black car that was usually used by the Royal Security and drove off.

It's approximately a twenty-minute drive to the town from the Palace. The road that leads from here to the city proper was never congested. They say that even before, there weren't really much vehicles passing along these roads which means less threat and easy security making it the ideal place to build the Royal's nest and here we are fifty years later enjoying the wise decisions of our forefathers. I haven't been on the road for more than five minutes when I saw a similar black car as mine tailing behind me.

“Did I really think I can get away easily?” I asked myself smiling. I stepped onto the gas and speed up. I check the speedometer. 50. 65. 90. 110. I could almost feel the wind from behind the closed windows of my car. I have never drive above 50kph ever since I learned how to drive. I'm prohibited because they said if I go any faster, it will put my life in great danger and doing double that speed now gives me a peculiar excitement that was completely alien to me. I checked the rearview mirror and saw that I already manage to gain some distance from my pursuer but I'm sure anytime soon they'll be able to catch up. I took a sharp right turn, exited the Palace Road and entered the roads of the city. It was a humid afternoon and I saw a lot of people was out and having a chill time. It was cloudy but still very bright. I found a semi full parking lot and steer the car in. I quickly undo the seatbelt and jumped out of the car just as my pursuer spotted me. I saw a black guy in a dark suit speak on a radiophone then all of a sudden two more like him appeared to my left. And they are too close for comfort so I started to run.

I may be a celebrity inside the Palace and the school but in the eyes of the people out here, I'm just an ordinary teen running wildly in the streets. Not until the Public Coronation, the Crown Prince's identity is unknown to the citizens, that's why nobody really cared as I weave through walking people, bumping into some of them and passing by sidewalk vendors that were all too eager to sell their stuff to me. Occasionally, people from the sidelines gave me this look like I'm some kind of a creature they've never seen before. I double check myself: I'm wearing a plain white v-neck shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. As far as I can tell I look pretty normal.

After a little while I checked behind me if they managed to follow. There were no Men in Black behind me so I started to slow down into a jog. It seems like I completely outran them now.

“Hey pretty boy! Wanna stop by for a drink?” a girl called out as I passed by a convenience store. There were three of them, all girls, and they were having an afternoon beer time. I wasn't sure If she was referring to me but I turned nonetheless and they were raising their bottles signaling for me to come. I was tempted to join but I spotted another MIB walking towards this direction.

“Maybe another time.” I shouted, waved and started to run again. I take a left turn into a wide alley just in time to see the two MIB I saw earlier running towards me. I can't go back because one of them was coming from that direction. I retreated and took the right turn. I run. I know if I don't lose them now they will catch me and I'm sure they will be able to outrun me. Just then, I saw a photo booth on the side of the road. Someone was already inside it. A girl, I assume because it was wearing a skin tight jeans that shows the outline of very slender legs. Her whole upper half body was obscured by the tinted glass of the booth. I looked behind me and see that the two MIB is really getting near me but they haven't seen me yet. An idea popped into mind. I didn't even think twice. I entered the booth just as the MIB appeared from the same corner I came from.

The girl inside jumped up in surprise as I squeeze myself inside. The booth can accommodate two individuals but it just force them to be really close to each other. She tried to shake her way out but I can't allow her just yet. I still can't get a good look of her face with all the shaking and stuff and I was loosing my balance so I grab her by the waist lean my head a little closer to hers and took the camera control.

“In three, say “Cheese”. Now, three!” I said as I look at the screen, smiled then click the shutter and our image was captured. The picture was printed and it was ejected right in front of me. I checked behind me and saw that the MIB's have all already passed by and disappeared somewhere. The girl is now unmoving and I realized I'm still holding on to her waist. I drop my hand and exited the photo booth. The girl came out a second later and finally I saw her face and literally my jaw drop. Standing in front of me is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her black hair is long and straight and shiny that falls below her shoulder. She has perfectly round face, with natural rosy cheeks, perfectly chiseled nose and thin pink lips. The most striking feature that I noticed was her eyes. It were black as night.

An idiotic moment passed and I was completely speechless. She held out a hand. Thinking she wanted a hand shake, I also held out mine when suddenly hers was already raised and I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek. For the first time in my life again, I was slapped by a girl. On the face.

-- End of Chapter 2 --

I'm a newbie here and I'm really hoping for your suggestions and advice (If ever someone reads this.) Please do give me a heads up. Thanks for your time.

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