Part 11

223 11 3

15 minutes before the board walk closed. . .

Kevin💚- ya casi van a cerrar y todavía nos falta Ferris wheel

Me- pos que esperamos, vamos a subirnos 😁

The Ferris wheel was important for couples because once they got to to the top they would kiss Or at least that's what I had heard 💁

Bobby, Isabella , Mia and jr decided to join us on the Ferris wheel. We were all excited and nervous at the same time 😁

30 seconds into the right something didn't feel right! And I wasn't the only the noticed...

Kevin💚- escuchas ese ruido? 😨

Me- si lo escucho! Ay kevin tengo miedo 😰

Kevin💚- ey bobby escuchas eso?

Bobby- de que estas hablando guey?

Kevin💚- cállate y escucha!!

Jr- Ey guey a mi se me ase que les esta fallando esta chingadera!

Kevin💚- y ahora que hacemos? 😨

Bobby- calmados ya no tarde en que se acabe esto

I got closer to him and held his hand tighter

From there everything went dark🔮

Tu y yo. (Kevin Ortiz fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora