A hot trip

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I'm gonna give a warning here. Nothing smutty is going to happen, but nudity and lewdness will be part of this chapter. Anyway, I'm just saying that, and this story isn't meant to be smutty at all.

Nash peeked around the corner. He saw all kinds of small tubs. Steam was coming from all of them. He turned his head around to face Jord. 

'Hey this place seems really ama-' Nash stopped talking, because of the sight he was seeing at that moment. He got a bit speecheless after turnin his head to see Jord without a shirt on. 

Now, it wasn't unusual for Nash to see his friend change. When they play soccer, they always change clothes in the same locker room. But Nash's realisation that the drawers were going to be taken off as well this time is what stunned him.

Nash walked towards his locker in an awkward manner. He felt a bit flustered, so he said to himself: 'This is very normal. We are just going to bathe together. Nothing wrong with that.' He felt the need to take off his shirt as well now that Jord has done so. 

He turned around to look Jord straight in the eyes. Jord seemed a bit confused and rubbed his bare chest. Nash got a little distracted when he noticed the little hairs on Jord's chest. But after a couple of seconds, he focused again and took off his own shirt. 'We're even now.' He thought.

Jord tilted his head. He had a confused look on his face and so he unbelted his pants. 

Nash noticed that so he unbelted his pants as well. He tried to do this quickly so he could keep up with Jord's pace. 

Jord looked even more confused and barely understood what was going on. He softly slided his pants off of his hips. 

Nash followed and did so too. But he didn't realise that Jord took his drawers off at the same time as his pants. Nash kind of panicked when he saw that Jord had taken off more clothing than him. He inpulsively said: 'Wait up! I haven't taken mine off yet!' 

Jord kept quiet and when Nash realised what he had just said he started glowing. 'I didn't mean to say that out loud!' Nash waved with his hands around trying to cover his glowing cheeks. Then he realised that saying what he just said just made things worse. He sighed deeply and his whole face was red.

When Nash was feeling hopeless he heard how Jord started giggling. 'Ohhhh, so that's what you were doing? You were playing a little game with me just now?' Jord said while he kept giggling.

Nash felt relieved, Jord kind of saved him out of an awkward situation here. Nash smiled softly and let all of his own clothes drop. Both of them were standing buck naked now. They put their clothing in the same locker while Nash's face was still a bit red. He felt like an idiot for saying that stuff so impulsively.

The two walked inside of the hotsprings. It wasn't a big suprise that nobody else was in there. The place really did seem desolated. Nash was looking around, when he suddenly felt warm water touching his lower leg. He looked up and saw that it was Jord. Jord had made a canon ball into the hot spring right in front of Nash. 

Nash giggled and said: 'Wait for me!' He jumped in right after Jord did. The warm water eased his head ache. He felt good. 

Jord sat down at the edge of the hot spring. Only his shoulders and his head were sticking out of the water. The black-haired boy gestured Nash to sit next to him, so Nash did. He sat down right next to Jord, having their shoulders almost touching each other. Nash groaned a bit and laid back. 'The hot water really makes you tired, doesn't it?' He asked. But Jord gave no response.

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