Chapter 1

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Juicy was always taught that she should never put a man before herself. Her mother always taught her to be independent, to go for what was most important in life. That'd be graduated high school, then college, and shortly after getting into your career, finding a husband and having a family. But who knew that she'd meet the love of her life at such a young age. It completely turned her life around.

It was Juicy's first year of high school, 10th grade, and she was 16. Of course at this age she thought she was grown enough to do certain things. Juicy was excited because she was one step closer to finishing high school. She felt grown, she felt empowered, she felt happy. Only for things to come crashing down when later in the year she decides to skip class and go off with her ex during lunch. Her ex, Tay, sweet talked her into thinking that he just wanted some alone time, that it'd just be them two. Since after all, it was Valentine's Day. She was mistaken. When they finally managed to sneak into the parking lot after the final bell had rung without being seen, he rushes her to the car. To find 3 other guys also waiting in the car. Juicy was perplexed at first. "Tay, I thought it was just gonna be us", she said. He assured her that they'd be out of the way, then kissed her to make her feel like he was telling the truth. Which convinced her to go ahead and get into the car, so they could leave without getting caught.
It was an awkward car ride, but thank goodness they only drove 5 minutes from the school. To his apartment. Everybody got out and headed inside. Juicy made sure to stay close to Tay, it was the only way she felt secure with being around 3 other guys whom she never exchanged words with. Walking into the apartment, nobody was home. Tay then decided to inform her that his mom wasn't home. That then led to him grabbing her hand and leading her to the bathroom while the other guys waited in the living room. Juicy looked back before Tay closed the door because she thought it was odd that the other guys didn't try to sit down and make themselves comfortable. They looked as if to be waiting. But what were they waiting for?
Tay closes the door..but he didn't lock it. Juicy noticed that immediately. She wasn't comfortable with whatever he was trying to do without the door being locked. Once again, he had assured her they wouldn't barge in. Once again, she stupidly believes him. So then she tried to ignore that. Tay grabs her and starts to kiss her, but the kiss wasn't passionate, or loving. It felt deceitful. It felt dangerous. Something felt wrong. Tay takes off Juicy's clothes and does the same with his own. Pushing her into the bed, he climbs on top. After kissing for about 30 seconds, he reaches for a condom. Juicy wasn't a virgin. However this is all new to her. She took a chance because she trusted Tay. Big mistake.
Proceeding with the intercourse, Tay was being a little rough. So it quickly turned from being pleasurable to Juicy. After a minute she didn't want to anymore. But she didn't say anything. In the middle of the thrusts, Juicy heard the door close.. she looked back and say one of his friends undressing. She quickly scrambled. "Tay, I don't know what you're thinking but this is not about to turn into a threesome". Tay said, "okay". Juicy then looked confused. But instead of his friend leaving, Tay grabbed his pants and quickly left out of the room. But before he left he said "if you love me, you'll do this". Juicy didn't know what the hell love was, but her & Tay had been talking for months now and she wanted to make him happy. And she knew this wasn't the way. Juicy tried to get up to leave but his friend stopped her. Then proceeded to lock the door. Juicy's heart starts to pound out of her chest. She grew nervous, anxious, and embarrassed. He walked towards her and grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. She wanted to scream but it's like she couldn't. All she could do was cry. He quickly grabbed a condom and then proceeded to force himself into her. Horrible, aggressive strokes that Juicy couldn't bring herself to say anything. She just cried. He grew tired of looking at her tears then forced her to turn over. Again, the aggressive strokes began. Seemingly harder than the first time. He then moved to her anal area but held her so she couldn't run. It was the most painful thing Juicy ever endured. It seemed to go on forever. And Juicy's cries to stop certainly didn't help. After what seemed like an eternity, he forced her into the ground, onto her knees, removed his condom, and tried to finish on her face. Juicy had never felt so disgusted, she quickly took her shirt and wiped what she could because it felt absolutely disgusting. After his friend finished, he got dressed and left the room. Leaving a half naked, crying Juicy on the floor. 2 minutes later, Tay returned.
He didn't even ask if she was okay. He guided her up and onto the bed, laying her on her back. Juicy was so distraught, she felt worthless, so she was willing to let whatever was about to happen, happen. Tay continued to stroke, while Juicy laid almost lifeless but the tears continued to fall. Tay looked at her, and then stopped. "I can't do this, not with you crying like that." He said. He told her to get dressed because it was time to head back. However it was only those two, the other two stayed behind. Proceeding to get into the car, Juicy was in the backside alone. Tay looked at her and said, "you better not tell anybody about this". She didn't agree, nor disagree, she just stared out the window. Replaying the recent events that just occurred in her head. They got back to the school, letting Juicy out but they kept going. She walked into the cafeteria to meet her friends, but they knew her well enough to know that something was off. Juicy is always being goofy, and full of life. But she remained dark. It only took that one question, "are you okay?" Then the tears wouldn't stop falling..

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