chapter 1 / the beginning

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The stars; I look at them and I see his smile and I can envision his touch against my fair skin. The stars; I look at them and tell them to show me the way, to give me a sign that this is a good idea. The summer sky will soon be replaced with the dark autumn one and i'm scared. I won't be able to see the stars that brought me to him.

Calum, I met him at the Galveston beach three months ago. I believe that we were destined to be together due to the fact his eyes looked just liked the stars I pleaded to each night. I felt at safe when I looked into them. He didn't believe in the way of the stars and how they affected everything that happens in this life. He didn't believe that based on what positions the planets were when we were born that it made us who we are. He didn't believe in what I did, but he believed in me.

He left. It was out of his control but I wish I could get him to stay. I wanted him to stay with me so we can keep fate happening, but he was gone. It felt like my destiny is ruined because of him. He was the one. My mom thinks i'm stupid but she doesn't know the way I love Calum. Calum, my everything, the reason i'm crying now writing this to you. If our destiny has ended, I will not let the story die with it. The story of how Calum came to my hometown for the summer and completely made my stars align. The story of how Calum changed me. The story of how I got my heart broken.

The summer is notorious for falling in love and i'm grateful to have experienced it but now what do I do? What do I do without him?

This is the story of us. Hazel and Calum. Calum and Hazel. The star crossed lovers.


The humid and sweltering heat of the beginning of summer was toxic against my skin. School just ended here in this local Texas beach town and I just finished my junior year. I was relieved that it was over and that I would have to worry anymore about useless drama and ridiculous assignments. That only means in three more months, i'll go back and i'll have to do it all over again. And what after that? Where do I go? Who do I follow? It's supposed to be the end of school and the start of a stress free time; but it doesn't feel that way.

I was looking over SAT study books that were about five pounds here at a local beach cafe. I was sitting there on the porch deck with about a million different colored pens and highlighters with my bathing suit on. I had other plans to go across the street and lay in the water but I didn't want to be defocused. That was until I saw him.

Once I started looking, I couldn't stop. His beautiful tanned skin and his effortless curly black hair with his captivating brown eyes made me feel something inside that I have never experienced before. He was tall and broad with these beautiful shoulders and biceps and oh my. His smile. His beautiful smile. I wish I could look at that smile forever. I want to be the reason for that smile.

His eyes meant mine. I felt embarrassed but I still couldn't look away from the blessing of a boy that was in front of me. I was in awe. But he then turned away to look at the three other boys around him and suddenly I was out of the spell gaze. I looked back to the textbook and nothing now made sense. I quickly looked back at the boy and I realized that he made sense.

I quickly took out my phone to text my friend Oceana about what just happened.

Hazel (12:17 pm) - I think I just saw an angel.
Oceana (12:18pm) - Come over right now.

And so I did, I gathered my stuff and headed out the door, making sure I got a glance of the boy before I left. I could of sworn he looked at me and smiled, but I don't want to get too excited. I put my bag into the basket of my bike and set off towards Oceana's house.


"So you're telling me that you saw a boy and you think he's already the one?" Oceana said as she folded her hands over her chest while he looked at me. I chuckled at the fact that it sounded so stupid but I believed it was right.

"Yes. And tonight when I look at the stars i'll be sure of it. You should have seen him Oceana, he's just so beautiful" I exclaimed while feeling warmth come to the apples of my cheeks. "And for what if it sounds crazy? It's summer, anything can happen."

She sighed and sat down next to me on the ledge of her bed. She put her head on my shoulder and put her hand on my knee. "How do you know that you'll see him again?"

"You just have to believe."


I got home after dark and I immediately rushed to the back of my house, which was the beach. I was so grateful I live right on the sands that bring summer a little bit more life. I sat down in it while putting my toes in the water and I glanced up at the sky. The stars were bright tonight and I could make out the scales of Libra and the beaming light of the north star. I felt at peace. I then noticed something. There was two bright twinkling lights in the sky tonight and my breath hitched. His eyes. It was a sign. Now please, show me the way to him.


I woke up the next morning happier than normal. I laid there looking at my white ceiling and just thought to myself. Was I really gonna be graced with his presence again? Was I actually being stupid? Oh how it just felt right though. His white fitted shirt was just damp enough to see the outline of his stomach and how I just wanted to trace my hands along it.

The breeze was nice and cooling has I made my way toward the boardwalk with Harry. He promised me he would make my summer a little more fun for me due to the fact if he didn't I would be staying and studying for next year's duties.

"I'm meeting some people here, I hope you don't mind. I want you to meet them. They're staying for the summer." Harry said as we inched closer to the park bench.

"You know how I am around new people." I sighed and I wiped the trickles of sweat off my face. If I would have know I was meeting people, I would have worn something other than my yellow bathing suit and my shorts on top.

"You're gonna like them, I bet the stars would tell you that." He laughed and so did I. We sat on the bench with the wind in our hair and I couldn't help but feel nervous. That's when four boys walked up to us and I forgot how to breathe. There he is. The boy. He was standing there in a black shirt and black workout shorts and I couldn't help but look him up and down. Harry must've noticed my reaction because he nudged my shoulder signaling me to snap out of it.

"Hey man, it's nice seeing you again." Harry stood up and greeted him and it all felt like this wasn't real. The boy smiled at him back and gave him a quick hug. "Hazel, this is Calum."

Calum. The perfect name for the perfect boy. Calum.

"So we meet again? It's nice to meet you Hazel." Calum spoke as he reaches out his hand for me to shake. I was left speechless.

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