Chapter 1

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The sky was gray. The moon was hidden behind the sad clouds that lingered throughout the night. I sat staring out my window. My mind kept pondering the thought about what life would be like beyond the black brick wall that surrounded our city. It was as high as the clouds. No one had ever thought of crossing it. With all the horrid rumors. Some believed that there was nothing but desert land. Others believed that the land had creatures that waited to devour human flesh as soon as we were spotted. This rumor came from the loud screaming sound that is sometimes heard beyond the bricks. I always wanted to know what was behind the wall, but our government thinks it is silly to wonder such nonsense. They said we already had a good life. I guess that was true. We did have food and clothing and people who loved each other. Everyone had a family. No one is homeless or poor. We had the same meals and activities. There is not a special person with higher rank or anything like that.

"Isabelle," my mother called

"Yes mom," I replied

"Time for dinner, love!"

Oh. I despised dinner. We always had the bland green goo that was supposed to keep us strong and healthy. People also said it helped our minds focus. I didn't care, I just wish for something delicious and different. I mean, once you eat something for 16 years, you get tired and would like something new. I made my way to the kitchen table and sat down with my brother.

"What's wrong," asked my brother, Cole.

"Uh. I am just tired of this thing we have to eat every night!"

"Isabelle, I don't like it either, but it's supposed to help us, remember?"

"Okay... I guess."

Soon, dinner was served. My mom brought out a plate full of goo for my whole family. Green glob for me, brother, my father, my mom. Yay.

I stirred the goo with my fork.

"So son, are you content that your birthday is two days away," my father asked.

"Oh yes! Thank you for asking father," said Cole.

"Don't be afraid or worried son."

"No, I'm not. I appreciate your concern father."

Oh right! I remember. When a person turned eighteen. They had to have their blood taken by the city and kept. The blood revealed everything about yourself. It told exactly who you are, it even sometimes revealed things you never knew about yourself. Your blood also tells some information about future generations, such as what is expected from your child- when you have one. At least I didn't have this to worry about for two more years. Around 9:00 we finished dinner. Finally, it was personal hour. We had a time that we did whatever we wanted until 10:00. I stood from the table and went to my room. I decided to think about the things behind the brick wall again. I can't stand it. I wanted to know so badly what was beyond it. I don't even know why I'm so curious, it was like a part of my heart knew that there was something about the other side. I didn't know exactly what but something was there. It could be good or bad. I took my brown leather journal and decided to write all the possible things that could be outside our city. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door.

"Isabelle, may I come in?"

It was Cole. What could he want, I thought. He almost never came to my room.

"Yeah Cole. Come in."

He walked in very pale and looked worried.

"What's wrong!?"

"Isabelle, I don't think I can do it!"

I quickly shut the door before my our parents became suspicious.

"What are you talking about?"

" Isabelle, I can't let them have my blood. The city can't just tell me who I am and what's going to be of my life."

"Cole. Cole. Calm down. I know your worried, but plenty of people have done it before you. Like mom and dad."

"I know! Which is why I'm worried, Isabelle! A couple of days ago, I was in the bathroom looking for my comb and when I dug through the cabinet, I found syringes! Where could they have gotten it without the government providing it!?"

"Maybe the government does provide it," I interjected.

"That is why I'm scared!"

"It's just syringes Cole."

"Isabelle, you don't understand. Yesterday I peeked into mom and dad's room to ask them about what to wear for my eighteenth birthday, but I saw them injecting themselves with the syringes. After they injected themselves, they sat staring at the wall."

"So what, Cole?"

"They sat staring at the wall for an hour. I left them after watching them shoot needles into their arms to give them privacy or something, but when I came back in an hour, they were still staring."

" What time did you see this, Cole?"

" I came home early from school because I spilled food on myself during lunch. So it was like 12-1. There's more to the story Isabelle, at exactly 1:01 mom and dad started to shake. This went on for about 10 seconds. Then they were back to normal. Mom started talking to dad like nothing happened. And also, my friend mentioned finding syringes too. He found it in the bathroom while looking for toilet paper."

" I don't know what to say Cole. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know... Do you think I should go through with the system and just give my blood like everybody else?"

"I will figure something out Cole."

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