Chapter 5

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The school day was about to end. Finally. Only 4 minutes left of seventh period. When I got home, I wanted to write more into my journal. I needed to have everything I learned about the weird society recorded. Such as Principal John is strange. I needed to remember him.


Finally the school day is over. I grabbed my bag and left without speaking to anyone. As soon as I was on the sidewalk, I walked home without waiting for Cole. I needed to be alone to think things through. It was 2:30 which means my parents are organizing the house. Actually, everyone was doing this- at least anyone who's eighteen and over. I never really thought anything of it, but now I see that it's odd that everyone has the same schedule. I never really paid any attention to this before, but I have this weird feeling that the city is trying to control everyone's actions and life. I didn't see a point for all this trouble to keep everyone doing the same things. As I stepped into my home, I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face. The crisp, cold water helped to clear my mind and reduce my stress. It felt good. I walked into my room after washing my face. It was time for me to write in my journal. I was supposed to be studying during this time, but I decided against it. I needed to write my thoughts down. I couldn't hold it in. My mind felt like it was trapped in a cage without a key to open it. I didn't feel free anymore. After all I've seen with Cole and the syringes and so more, I just can't...

When I woke, my head was sweaty. I felt exhausted, but I knew what I had to do.

The nap did help my mind. I sat up on my bed and leaned over to check the time. Oh thank you, it was only 7. I didn't miss dinner. My parents would've been angry with me if I slept too long. They didn't know that I slept through the 2 hours of study time and the hour of nap time. I slept for a total of 3 hours. Since it was 7, it was time for the family to do tai chi. We did this for an hour until 8 which was dinner time. I did not feel like doing tai chi. In fact, I never felt like doing tai chi. I thought it only hurt my body. I went up and walked into the living room. It didn't take long to get there since our house was only one story with 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. Every house in Fairwood was designed very simply. A bedroom for each child and one for the parents.

"Hey darling," said my father.

"Hello dad."

"Time for tai chi," my mom told me with a smile.

"Yes, I believe so," I replied to mom and dad while faking a laugh.

I saw Cole standing in his place and I went over to take my place in the spot next to him.

"Hey Cole."


"I'm gonna clear your mind tonight."

"What are you talking about, Isabelle."

"You'll see."

At that, I started tai chi. The rest of my family started too. Tai Chi soon ended. After several leg bends and stretches, it was time for dinner. Our family gathered by the table and my mom brought out our meal. The green goo. I watched my parents eat. Then I looked over to Cole, he seemed to be enjoying the meal as well. I moved the goo on my plate around. I looked at the clock, it was only 8:05, we still had 55 minutes left of dinner time. I didn't understand why dinner took so long. There wasn't much to eat, but we had to occupy the hour by slowly eating our meal and discussing our day.

"How was your day, Cole," asked my father.

"It was great! Principal John helped me feel more relax about the blood day."

"Oh that's good to hear son," my mom said excitedly.

The small talk went on for about 45 minutes and I replied very little. Suddenly my parents realized I wasn't eating my goo. Oh no. My plan was to not eat it and just throw it away, but they caught me. I didn't think they would notice, since they weren't very observant. I needed to do something right now. I scooped the good up and in one big mouthful, I put it in my mouth. Then I got up from my chair, smiled to my family and left the dining room. I went to the bathroom and closed the door gently. Right away, I spit the goo into the toilet and flushed. Quickly, I went to the sink to rinse for any leftover goo was still in my mouth. I peered up from the sink and looked into the mirror. Who is this girl, I thought to myself. This girl used to be very obedient and never questioned the authority. Now what has she become? I pushed the thought aside and walked out of the bathroom and into my room. It was 9:02. Yes! it was finally our personal hour. I knew what I wanted to do. I had a plan and it involved being outside the black brick wall.

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