Seven//Mr. Winston

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THE DRIVE TO my house was agonizing. I felt sick to my stomach. Almost as if I knew that maybe even a thousand Darrys couldn't protect me from my father's wrath.

We parked in front of my house. My father was watching through the window. I hid my face in my hands and sunk down in my seat as directed by Mrs. Mathews, but that didn't help much since my dad came out and started screaming and yelling at Two-Bit's window, obviously wanting to see me step out of the car.

"Let me see that slut, that treacherous whore! She's got so many things waiting for her in that door! You see that house behind me? That's where she lives and belongs! Give me my daughter, you dirty scum bag!" Dad yelled in Two-Bit's face. I cried in the back seat of Mrs. Mathews' car.

"You quit calling her a whore, you damn drunk! She's just a kid, but most of all, she's your baby girl! That kid right there is terrified of you! She has every right to not want to see you! Now, move out of my way! You make me sick to my stomach!" Two-Bit yelled. Seeing and hearing him angry made me scared, but I knew it was because he wanted to protect me. His heart was always in the right place, even if he was stealing from the DX or drinking at the Nightly Double.

Somehow in the chaos, Two-Bit had gotten out of the car and started going all out on my old man. Punches were thrown, curses were yelled, and somehow my dad's beer bottle was broken and on the sidewalk in front of the house. I sat in the back with tears streaming down my face one by one and I let out yelps of fear when my father would pound on my window. Then, he just passed out drunk. Right there while yelling at a boy a little more than just half his age.

"Well, I guess we can go in now," Two-Bit said aloud for his mother and I told hear. I was still trembling. Is going to wake up? Was he faking it so I would step out and he could kill me? Oh my gosh, I thought I'd never have these thoughts. Obviously, I was wrong.

Mrs. Mathews got out of her car and I got out steadily, still very alert in case he wakes up. I dried my tears and held my hands together to make them stop trembling. Two-Bit noticed and he put his hand on my back to help settle my nerves.

We went to my room and I got a medium-sized trunk out from my closet. I started to take things out of my dresser when Mrs. Mathews said, "Honey, I really don't think those are going to be enough clothes."

I sighed. "They're all I have. We kind of stopped celebrating Christmas a few years ago when Dally go arrested and Dad lost his job."

"I'm sorry about that, baby. I really am," Mrs. Mathews said. I shrugged.

"I buy my own clothes, anyway," I said. I started to pack more things, like my diary, an extra pair of shoes, my sewing kit, and the small amout of makeup that I had. Not forgetting my toothbrush and my guitar (Mrs. Mathews said she'd love to hear me play sometime), we headed out of the door and made sure we didn't step on my unconscious father.

When we got home, I had changed intpy pajamas, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and said my thanks and goodnights to Two-Bit and his mother. I went right to sleep once my head hit Two-Bit's pillow.


THE NEXT MORNING was spent eating pancakes, watching Mickey Mouse, and laughing with Two-Bit, all the while getting ready for school. Mrs. Mathews made her special chocolate chip pancakes and even let us drink Coke. I declined, however. A Coke in the morning could leave some gas in your stomach, and I don't want to be publicly humiliated while trying to walk some stairs. So, I had water instead.

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