Ten//Trial Day

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IT WAS THE day of Dally's trial. We all knew he was going to go straight to prison. We all knew what he did. There was no denying that my brother was going in the cooler.

My hands shook as I got dressed that morning. I was still going to school, but everyone was leaving school or work early to go to Dally's trial. Soda promised to come pick Ponyboy and I up, but Two-Bit said he'd take me. Steve was driving from school by himself, and Darry was picking Soda up from work, hence why Soda promised that he would pick Ponyboy and I up from school early.

I told all of my teachers that I was leaving early today and asked if I had any homework. They said no, but my science teacher told me that he'd give me an extra day to work on the packet he assigned the class. He told me that seeing my brother and worrying about him should be the first thing on my mind before schoolwork. I thanked him immediately.

As I got ready for English, that same girl that gave me that letter and few days ago tapped me on my shoulder. My shoulder was doing significantly better, so it didn't hurt as much when she tapped it. Actually, with my pain tolerance, it didn't hurt at all.

"Amelia, right?" she said. I turned around and cocked an eyebrow, something I learned from Two-Bit. She smiled at me. Her little posse was there, but they giggling and whispering to each other.

"Yeah. What do you need?" I asked.

"I was just gonna ask if you gave that letter to Dallas," she said. I sighed and looked down. I shook my head.

"No, I didn't give it to him. I don't appreciate my colleague giving my brother a love letter," I said. She blushed and looked down.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again," she said. I nodded. But, something caught my ear.

"I wonder if that Ponyboy Curtis would like me. He's our age, after all. I feel like I could woo him."

I looked over at who said that. It was someone from that girl's posse. I stomped over to her.

She was a little smaller than me. She had firey red hair that was cut into a stylish bob. Her clothes were also stylish and probably really expensive. She had a satin headband on her head and she had very little makeup on. She didn't need it, anyway. She was really pretty.

"What's your name?" I demanded.

"Sarah," she said plainly. "Are you gonna jump me, Greaser? Do you like Ponyboy Curtis? Are you gonna flick out your switchblade, get me on the ground, call me a few names, and beat me up? Is that what you would like to call fun, Grease? Tell me, where is Dallas?"

"You hussy," I growled. I walked away. My blood boiled. There was no word to describe how angry I was. Not a single one. I was so sure that with every step I took, there was a footprint made of hellfire. But I never turned back to look.

I sat down in my seat and began to bump my knee up and down. I tapped my fingers against the table, sang an Elvis song in my head, braided my hair, all before the bell could ring. When the bell did ring, I got myself situated for class. As everyone got in their seats, Mrs. Solomon, my English teacher, came to the door and said my name. Behind her was Darry, Ponyboy, Soda, Steve, and Two-Bit. I gathered my things and excused myself. People were staring at me as I walked slowly to the door. My teacher waved goodbye as I stepped out and I waved back. She closed the door and started class.

Dally's Baby Sister//Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now