Family Reunion

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Android 17

       17 sat at the picnic table with Krillin and 18. Marron clung to his shoulders.

"Uncle 17!" Marron squealed jumping up and down. He tried to hide his smile but 18 saw it tugging on the corners of his mouth. 17 caught the smirk on 18's lips.

"Shut up, 18." 17 snapped.

"Shut up is a mean word." Marron chastised him.

"Yes it is, baby." 18 smiled at her girl. 17 felt a bit out of place, in his mind 18 was still his shoplifting erratic little sister but she wasn't that girl anymore. She was a mother. It was strange to really see it up close.

"I should get going." 17 set Marron on the table, 18 took her. "Don't forget about her birthday." 18 warned more than reminded.

"Course not." 17 smiled and nicked Marron's chin.

"Krillin, get in here!" Master Roshi hollered.

"Oh geez, I'd better check on that." Krillin rushed in. 17 and 18 stared at each other. 17 fiddled with something in his pocket, it's time he sighed and pulled the item out.

"Here, this is yours." 17 pushed it into her hands "I'll see you next week... Lazuli." 17 took off. 18 looked at the thing he had given her, a barrette of gold and silver curling around blue stones. 18 vaguely recognized it, she wasn't sure from wear but she was sure she had seen it before. "Why'd he call me Lazuli?" 18 wondered. Krillin jogged back out "see ya later!" Krillin called after 17. "Oh hey." Krillin pointed at the barrette "is that Lapis Lazuli?"

"What'd you say?" 18 asked looking to Krillin.

"Lapis lazuli..." 18 repeated looking after her brother.

"It's pretty." Krillin said, Marron yawned "looks like someone's ready for bed." Krillin chuckled taking her. "We'll meet you inside 18." 18 stood there staring after her brother. Lazuli... Lapis lazuli... what did he mean? 18 closed her hand around the barrette, she didn't know why but she was sure it was important. Lapis Lazuli huh...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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