1| Rainbow

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Y/N walks through the overcrowded hallways of her school. She walks with her head down and her hood over her head. She was more of an introvert, than anything. She didn't have many friends, but she didn't mind. Her own company was the only company she admired. She loved being by herself, but she couldn't help but think that she was missing out on her high school experience. She had close acquaintances, but she really never had someone whom she could call a true friend.

She walks into her first class of the day. She takes a seat at the very back of the class, as other students start to pour in. She holds her head in her hands, as her teacher greets everyone coming in. She doesn't pay much attention to this, until someone causes a commotion. She looks up to see a very handsome boy. He had dark, chocolatety skin and pearly white teeth to match. She doesn't mind him much, until he walks over to her.

"You sittin' in my seat." He says to her.

Y/N just stares at him. She hated being the center of attention, especially when someone else was the reason she was. He looks at her, as if she dumb for not responding. He knocks on her desk, and snaps his fingers in front of her eyes.

"She deaf or something?" He asks the other students.

"Man leave her alone, Woody." Another student says.

The other guy was tall, and caramel skin. He had little freckles covering his face, and a pretty smile to match. Y/N already knew who he was. Everyone in their school did. His name was Keith. He was a senior, just like Y/N, but he was a well known senior. Everyone in school treated Keith like he was some type of celebrity. Y/N never understood why, but she also never cared enough to find out.

"Hell nah. She sitting in my unassigned assigned seat." Woody says, crossing his arms.

"Nigga you barely come to school. How the fuck you got an assigned seat?" Keith questions.

"Man you tryna get technical and shit. I just want my seat back." Woody says.

"I can get up if you want me to-" Y/N softly said, but was interrupted by her teacher.

"Woody, just sit some place else." The teacher says.

Woody walks away, throwing his hand up in a whatever expression. Keith sits down next to Y/N, and smiles at her. Y/N had to admit that he was cute. She had known Keith since they were in 6th grade. She wanted to be friends with him, but the time was never right for them to be. Keith, however, admired Y/N  from afar. He always thought she was the finest girl in their whole school. He just didn't know why she chose to exclude herself from everyone else.

"Wassup, Y/N." Keith smiles.

She had no idea how to respond. Keith was fine as hell to her, and she had never really spoken to boys before.

"You know my name?" She asks.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" He asks, rubbing his chin.

Y/N  began to speak, but she was quickly hushed by their teacher. She mentally sighed, but she was also very relieved.

"Maybe another time, mama." Keith whispers in her ear.

The sound of his voice was enticing to her. Y/N could feel herself being turned on, just that easily.  She starts to panic, as she pulls a strand of her hair out from her hood. She notices that it is a bright pink color. She instantly became shook.

Y/N had always worried about her hair. Whenever her mood changed, so did her hair. Her hair also summoned her different personas. She never knew why or how, but this was the reason she outcasted herself. She didn't want anyone to know the truth about her and her colorfulness, so she hid it.

Y/N quickly tucks the strand of hair back into her hood, as her class begins.


Y/N walks through the lunch line, grabbing things that she knew she wasn't gonna eat. She gets everything she needed, and searches for a seat. She sets her sights on a table in the far corner of the cafeteria, and starts to walk towards it. She almost makes it, but she can hear her name being called.

"Y/N!! Y/N!! COME OVER HERE!" Keith yells, from all the way across the cafeteria.

"So close." She thinks to herself.

She sighs gently, as she starts to walk toward him. Keith smiles as she makes her way over to him. She sits down next to him, and he wraps his arm around her lower back. Her body tenses up a bit, but she starts to relax.

She looks around, and notices that she's the only young woman among a table full of boys. Her heart rate intensifies as all eyes fall on her.

"So, what's up with you?" Keith's friend, Algee, asks while eating a french fry.

"What do you mean?" Y/N asks.

"I mean, why you always wear that hood?" He asks.

Y/N was hesitant to answer, because she knew she couldn't tell him why. She always hated when people were nosey.


"Man you can't just ask her why she wears it. Maybe it's apart of her religion." Luke says.

"Well, is it?" They all ask.

"N-no." She gently says.

"So then, why do you wear it?" Bryshere asks.

Y/N takes a deep breath, as she looks around her. She couldn't hide who she was forever, so she chose not to. She had a way of controlling herself. She controlled her hair by calming herself down. When she was younger she didn't have to worry about her emotions as much, so she had no need for the hood she wore as an adolescence.

But as she had gotten older she could no longer control how she felt, how relaxed she felt. The calmer she was the more she could prevent her secrect from being known. If she was calm enough her hair would go back to it's natural brown color.

She relaxes herself, while also pulling off her hood. The six young men stare at her in awe as she does this.  She feels her hair cascade down her back, and onto the seat that she had occupied. All six of the guys looked at her, speechless.

"Your hair is long as shit." Woody says.

"Forreal. Why do you hide it?" Elijah asks.

Y/N just shrugs, as they keep questioning her. She hadn't worn her hair out in years, due to the fear that withheld her. She felt free. At this moment she didn't care.

Y/N  is snapped out of her thoughts, as she notices all eyes are on her once more.

"Uh, why did your hair just turn green?" Bryshere asks.

Without questions, Y/N rushes out of the cafeteria. She runs to the only place she could be alone. The abandoned art room. No one had stepped foot in there, since her school had built a new one. She tries to calm herself down, but she couldn't. Her emotions were running wild and she couldn't control them. She puts her hood back over her head, and tucks her hair back in.

She sit in a puddle of herself and her emotions, until she hears the sound of the door opening.




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