♛| 05: Witches and Magic

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After we talked for a bit Jungkook walked me back to Jin's place since Jin himself needed to buy some flower

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After we talked for a bit Jungkook walked me back to Jin's place since Jin himself needed to buy some flower. 'So your a witch?' Jungkook said bluntly. I looked up to him with wide eyes and looked around for any people who might have heard him. He laughed softly showing his cute bunny teeth.

'Don't worry Noona, we are the only ones here.' When I made sure he was right I nodded and looked at my feet. He jumped on a low stone wall that was placed at the sides of a gravel path that let us out of the park. I was scared that he would fall but kept quiet.

'What is it like to use magic?' I pulled up my shoulders and shoved away my curiosity. I wanted to know what I could do but it felt wrong to use it. Especially when people would think me of a monster as they saw it. I thought of me as a horrible being.

'Don't say you never have tried using your magic,' he said shooked. I looked at him and saw he was looking at me with wide eyes and mouth wide open. I sighed and bit my lip. I don't know why but suddenly I felt embarrassed. I looked past him and watched the daisy's in the bright, green grass behind the wall.

'No way.' He jumped of the stone wall and softly tugged at my long sleeve making me stop walking. 'You've never tried used it?' I didn't answered his question and I think he noticed that I didn't want to talk about it. He let go of my sleeve and walked by my side without saying a word.

The way back to Jin's house we walked in silence. But I didn't mind the silence. I liked that the younger man respected my lack of communication. He stopped and bowed when we where in front of Jin's cafe. 'Well, I'll probably see you tonight,' He said. I looked up to him since he probably was 2 heads longer than me.

'What about tonight?'

Jungkook frowned. Oh right. Hoseok asked if Jin would go somewhere with him and Jungkook tonight. 'I think Jin will tell you about it. I probably should go home.'

I nodded and smiled. 'Goodbye Jungkook.' He waved and turned around, starting to walk away.

'Goodbye Noona!' I also turned around and opened the door with the keys Jin gave me before walking inside the cafe.

I held the books close to my chest as I walked to one of the tables in the cafe. The cafe was closed so didn't have to worry about people waking in.

I sat down and spread the books over the table before I began to read I picked up a scroll of paper from behind the counter and wrote the facts I already knew about witches. Only a woman could be a witch for some reason. A witch could transform into another person or being my father once told me. And they where dangerous. I picked up the book about witches first and opened it on a random page.

There are three type of witches in our reality.

Herbal witches; Work with herbs and have the ability to heal other beings, but not themselves. They are also called Light Workers.

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