Chapter 12: Complications

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Have I ever mentioned how bloody difficult it is to name chapters? Also this chapter's title is reference to another bioshock 2 fanfic of if you can find it. 

-The next day-

By 6:00 in the morning, Delta was already awake and ready to start his big daddy detective job! It was going to be a wild ride. He had eaten breakfast for the first time in eleven years, feeling good about himself he woke up Eleanor and helped get her ready for school. Though he was internally laughing/crying since he wished he could've done this while she was still young.

Once Eleanor was out the door, Delta grabbed his weapons, a spyglass (cus why not?) and some coffee. Charlotte was still asleep, she seemed like she really needed that sleep, he did not know why, nor could he find out why, there was a strange smell of fish in the house that stopped him from using the "big daddy smelling sense" that he had. Grace was going to do... whatever she did before all this, while Delta was gone.

To start his search, Delta had to first leave the house, which he did proudly. He decided to start searching in the market, as that was the last place they saw Isabelle. When he reached the market he saw hundreds of people, the perfect place to put up missing person posters! He was all over the place in seconds, taking some of his time to get himself some new weapons and plasmids.

He got a plasmid called "torrent" Which was used to clear leaking water out of the place by literally using a modified telekinesis and winter blast plasmid mixed together to pick up the water and throw it back into the ocean, basically very useful.

Next was a plasmid called "magma man" Which ended up making his skin turn into lava when he got into battle, using armored shell and incinerate mixed together to make it. Originally made to bend metal easier.

Next was a drill upgrade called "grapple drill" Which made his drill capable of being launched and retracted by a long string. Apparently this upgrade was taken from a prototype bouncer that had been defeated.

After that he got someone to look at his lazer-like weapon that he'd retrieved from that strange big daddy. Apparently it was called an "Ion Lazer" Which had multiple upgrades.

Once he was done with getting new gear and putting up posters, he roamed around for a bit, knocking on literally every door that he came across. Eventually he ran out of doors and started looking around for the big sister academy, hoping that he'd get some clues there. While roaming around, he saw a man with a little sister, he gagged her and started to run, but Delta wasn't having any of that. The man turned left into an alley looking thing, still holding the sister. When Delta entered the alley, there was nothing, he searched it from top to bottom but to no avail.

He was about to leave the alley when a rosie big daddy came charging through the front and knocked him to the floor. Delta immediately pushed it off and got to his feet, aiming the ion lazer at the daddy.

"GWAAAAAAAAA!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!" it screamed.

"rawr rar GWAAAA!!?? wait, you're a WOMAN!!??"


"dar farlgh gwaaarar So that's why they're called Rosie's"

"warrrarara darrur Well, while you're having fun mocking me, I'll be going" The rosie angrily groaned before getting up.

"gwaaa gah? Wait, so you're not mindless?"


".... AAARR RAWAWA GAAAA? Would you mind helping me then?"


"rrawaw I can get you to the surface"

"grrararar wawaru? what do ya need help with?"

"gwaaaa ruuuuu ga Finding a little sister"

"gwa okay" And with that, the two giants waked out of the alley and headed towards what looked like the academy.

The reason that I made this chapter so short is because I don't want to spoil what happens in the next chapter. And also it's still a bit difficult to not get distracted. I think I might have ADD, I'll go to the doctor soon, just in case.

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