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Hoseok and taehyung walked into a acre filled with the apples hoseok had wanted.

Both men see a girl and a woman picking apples together. The girl wearing shorts and an oversized shirt while the older woman sat on the ground inspecting apples as they fell into the wooden baskets below them both.

Hoseok clears his throat not wanting to incase their personal space at all.

When both of the woman turning around taehyung bows slightly showing respect as did Hoseok.

"Oh hello again" Y/n says stepping off of the stool she was on.
She rubs her hands on her already dirty shirt and shakes both of their hands.

Both men gives the girl a smile, they saw her grandmother next to her and they smile gladly to her.

"Hello, we were wondering if you had any of those apples that um tastes like cotton candy and turns pink after you after you eat them?"
Hoseok asks as taehyung converses with y/n getting to know her more.

Hoseok and y/n's grandmother had went to a seperate tree to retrieve the apples wanted, since y/n and her grandmother havent picked them yet and it would be awhile before they did so, y/n's grandmother would let hoseok take a whole batch of apples home for free.

Taehyun talked to y/n about jin and a few things they had in common.

"Look i have these two moles on my arm that if i pinch between them it looks like an elephant" taehyung states.

Y/n shakes her head and smiles at him not believing him. "I dont believe you"

"Fine, ill show you" the handsome man says and he raises his arm and pulls his sleeve back on his arm. Two moles were present next to each other and as promised he pinches between his moles and Shows the face of an elephant as he makes a high pitched elephant noise.

Y/n claps amused and she turns after hearing her pig squeak and run to her along with other little pigs.

"They are all so cute" Taehyung picks up a pig that he knows isnt miss piggy while y/n sits down showing equal love to each and everyone of the babies around her.

They are all happy to see her and give happy oinks and squeals to even show that they are happy.

Hoseok comes back over and takes a photo of taehyung and y/n playing with the pigs.

"Come on taehyung its time to go" hoseok says and he whines cuddling y/n's pig close to him and she looks at him pouting.

Hoseok groans and sits down himself wanting to play with miss piggy.

Y/n laughs when all the piglets go over and tackles hoseok without warning and he laughs off the affection they were showing him.

But all of the fun was cut off short by their manager.

Hoseok answers the call without a second thought and he stands up signaling that both men had to go and go back to where they had worked.

"Goodbye! Bring the others next time!" Y/n says waving the boys off as they drove away leaving her behind.


Chapter End😣

I dont do author notes anymore.

But i wrote this chapter to outro:Tear (bts duh)
My sleeping playlist

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