21 [the special chapter]

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So...i thought i finished this book. But thanks to a reader i realized i haven't...so here's the final chapter]


Seokjin was fixing the bowtie on his tuxedo, he was invited to a wedding and put his feelings aside to go.

Looking at a photo on the mirror that showed his friends & y/n he smiled at it. 'i wish we could go back to simpler times. When it was just us eight." He thought to himself while letting it a sigh.

He had gotten out of the hotel he was currently staying in and went down to the building where the wedding would be held.

"Please stand, for the bride is coming" The priest spoke in an authoritative voice and join made it right on time squeezing in at the front where some of his friends was.  'i made it on time'

The music started to play and the doors opened revealing y/n happily walking down the aisle with a smile on her face. She dared not to cry a tear as to not mess up her make-up.

"Thank you hoseok"Y/n's voice fell upon everyone's ears as she thanked the man for walking her down the virgin aisle.

'oh wow..she's beautiful more than i can imagine' jin thought to himself as he watched y/n take her groom's hand. It had been a few years since he had seen her, maybe 2 or 3 years he want sure.

He looked at the proud baby bump that showed itself through her dress. Her wedding dress was floor length and helped bring out every aspect of her body, he would be lying if he said he didnt miss everything about her.

He listened as the two exchanged their vows. He listened as y/n began to sniffle on stage. "Min-sik, even though i've only know you for a small fraction of your life, i wish to be apart of it forever. I want to love you with my whole heart and with every fiber of my being. I love every aspect of you, please teach me more. I want to learn everything about you that you havent shown me before i wish to learn every flaw that you have. So please, let me learn about you more as we marry into the rest of our lives together"

Min-Sik chuckles wiping a tear from y/n's eyes with the pad of his thumbs as he makes a cute face at her making her laugh. He then clears his throat so everyone hears him clearly. "Thank you for accepting my invitation on being a model in my music video,  Even though i was a coward back then for not showing you i liked you then. Im glad you kept coming back for even my ridiculously stupid reasons, im glad i got to know the shy young woman infront of me. She has truly been a blessing. Im also thankful for you little person in there, i love you both" He bends down to her stomach and wraps his arms around her waist before giving her stomach a light kiss as she giggled..
Everyone within the church 'awes' at their cuteness and seokjin felt a heavy weight on his heart. He knew he messed up but he wasnt going to ruin her happiness for her own, even if it did break his heart.

"You may now kiss the bride" Seokjin averted his gaze to the large window above the couple daydreaming before he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up he saw y/n and Taehyung looking at him with worry, min-sik was behind them as the rest of the guest dispersed into the reception hall. "You guys go on ahead, we'll be there in a minute"

Y/n told the men with her and she watches as they leave before taking a seat near seokjin. His eyes were pools of wonder she could still get lost in, but that wasn't her place anymore.  "Are you okay? You didn't have to come jin"

Seokjin shrugs looking away and he pulls a necklace out of his pocket holding it out to her. "Im fine, but here." The girl looks downat his hand seeing a locket and she takes it out of hishands smiling, her smile was so contagious that he couldn't help but smile as well.

Y/n opens the locket to see a photo of all of bangtan together with her on one side and the band by themselves on the other. "So you'll never forget us as you travel this new road with your husband"

Y/n looks up and she felt tears travel down her face before using a tissue to wipe them careful in not messing up her makeup, she turns her back to Seokjin handing the locket back to him as she held up her naturally curly hair."go ahead and put it on. "

Seokjin obliges and puts the necklace on y/n and they both stand up giving each other a hug. "Im sorry for being an idiot back then i-"

"Seokjin, stop worrying about it. That's the past, we need to live in the present she worry about the future" y/n states as she takes his hand leading him to the reception hall where everyone was waiting happily for the bride and her friend.

After everyone had fathered around the dance floor min-sik had gotten up to y/n grabbing her hand as he gave her their first dance as a married couple. A familiar tune played in the back ground. A song that belong to the late jonghyun 'Suit up'. Y/n nervously smiled at min-sik as he did the same.

"I thought it would be alright to play at a wedding, i even brought Katie along to sing 'thinking about  you'. Hope you didn't mind my lovely wife " min-sik says and y/n laughs adorably shaking her head making a silly face at her husband. "Not at all my husband, but sik-k..are you really ready to start a family? I mean i know its too late now but. You know im asking about dogs too."

Y/n says and min-sik smile slightly dropped as he spins her away before pulling her to come back." I can hardly take care of myself. But yes with your help i believe i can do it"

Seokjin smiled at the couple as they conversed on the dance floor happily. He was honored to have known y/when he did, he wanted to see her happy more than anythin and now that he has, his heart was suddenly full with happiness.

Okay special chapter end. Thank you to the reader that reminded me i had an extra chapter to do after like a year lmfao

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