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Red queen.                              Old man jin

Hey,Did you ever experience things like this before?

Do you mean the endless rumours?

Yeah, If I knew that becoming something more than normal was like this i would've never done it.

Your not more than normal, you are normal . Just a different version, and don't regret this choice okay?.

Im not regretting okay, I… just salty about the situation, that and getting my wisdom teeth pulled feels weird, so Im cranky.

I can tell, anyways both agencies confirmed that we are only friends to the public.

Alright good, but I have a question.

Go ahead and ask.

Miss piggy isn't allowed in the dorms anymore since she had grown more. I was wondering if you know a place where she could stay?

Yeah, I actually do. Taehyung grandma owns a farm and he grew up there. So I'll ask him and get back to you later alright?

Alright, thank you so much jin.



3 months later

"Seulgi, Can you please pass the tape?" Y/n asks softly reaching up on  a wall as she held up one end of a poster.

"Yeah, sure hold on. Im pretty sure one of the others put it down somewhere" she responds getting off of a counter painting another wall of the other side of the room.

While seulgi looked for tape y/n looks around clicking her tongue before acting a scene from an old cartoon she had once wanted to animate.

"Sebastian, you are nothing but a fake, someone who I feel in love with."

"But Annemarie, you do realize Sebastian is apart of your imagination?"

Y/n gets cut off by a chuckle and she turns around seeing a handsome man.

His jawline was sharp , y/n gulped and remained holding the poster wanting seulgi to hurry up, since her arm felt like dying.

"Oh, um sorry"y/n bows slightly. She was obviously embarrassed.

"No, don't be. Honestly it was amusing, I actually thought someone left their phone and had a show playing, have you ever considered of being a voice actor though?" The man says as his soft baby yet manly features shows.

He looked like a literal angel while y/n felt like a potato that came from flying around the room on a ceiling fan.

"Oh, actually me and my manager talked about it and maybe in a year I can actually start my voice acting career."

"Oh, shoot y/n they used it all seulgi walks back in washing at the man.

"Hi Sehun, by the way this is y/n, the model that's been the newest addition to our team and the one that is bringing in the top sale in brand"

"Nice to meet you y/n , Im oh Sehun, a member of Exo. I hope we become amazing friends" he says before rifling his own hair looking at his watch.

"Practice just started, see you around y/n"
He left just like that without another word.

"I guess idols really are busy"

Y/n says before continuing the room and painting it.


Chapter end

It was rushed

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