Chapter 5: hot get away

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* Bang * Bang * Bang *

William: Neo hurry and get in the car now!!!!

I run as fast as I can to the car and get there. I then pull an AK from the seat and start shooting the cops.

William POV

WHAT THA FUCK IS GOING ON !!! I need to call Oz about this.

* Bang *

Ozpin: are those gun shots ?!!!
William: Oz why he fuck are cops after us. One second we are at Starbucks having a nice coffee and the other we are being taking down by the SWAT , cops and Atlas personal , what is this ?!!!
Ozpin: I think I have a clue , Mr Wick head to the Bullhead landings Pad , I'll have Glynda there waiting for you
William: thank you Oz
Ozpin: no problem

I then hang the phone and drive as fast as I can to the landing station.

Ozpin POV

Ozpin: Glynda please
Glynda: on it

This can only mean one thing....Ironwood. Looks like I'll have to make a few calls.

Qrow: Oz....I'm a little busy at the moment
Ozpin: are you drink?
Qrow: .....
Ozpin: then get here cause I need you before someone dies
Qrow: I'll be there 30 minuets

Good now that's settled I'll need to call him.

William POV

William: FUUUUUUUUUUUCK , we made it , como on Neo !!!!

We then ditch the car and head to the Bullhead , once there Glynda told the pilot to head back to Beacon.

William: thank you Glynda
Glynda: no problem

Then when we get to Beacon I can see the news of Atlas going after us has pread like wield fire cause I can hear the students talking about. And it's not helping that people know that is my fault that Weiss is dead , Team RBY doesn't want to talk to me and Jaune is mad but Pyrrha , Nora and Ren after sometime understood my reasoning for revenge and why Weiss died, it was true I didn't need to kill her but that was my only way out. And speaking of the devil.

Yang: you have a lot of balls to come here after what you have done
William: dear I have all the right to kill my family

I can see she's getting piss at me and quick.

Ruby: yea she was not perfect but you said it your self , she didn't touch you and.....* crying * you still blew the car up with her in it
William: * angry * don't you FUCKING TELL ME THAT TYPICAL BULLSHIT !!!

I can see they are thrown back , even Neo and Glynda, cause they have never seen me loose my temper.

William: I didn't give a fuck about Weiss but when Winter brought Neo into this then shit hit the fan. She was not even in the plans , the only ones who were meant to dye were Whitley and Jacques. So don't blame me for playing dirty , they were the ones who started it and I only plain the battle field between us
Ruby: W-Will I'm sorry we didn-
William: you didn't knew , that's who people start war Ruby , ignorance, and it happened you were at the wrong side of the battle field

I then start walking to Ozpin's office and I can see from the back of my eye that Team RBY feel bad for what they said , but that's not what bothered me , what bothered me the most was the Atlesian ships coming here. Once I get to the top of the tower I can Qrow Branwen.

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