Chapter 6 : Wade

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William POV

William: Neo hows the targets doing?
Neo: * static * there..on the move , there heading to Jr's Bar , hurry up
William: on it

I then grab my S 1000rr and go in pursue of the target. Once there I look directly at Jr and signal him. I walk to the bar and take a drink. Once Jr is done he and he's man start to walk off and seal the Bar. Then I start walking to where my target is. He's sitting in the second floor of the Bar. I then take a seat next to him.

William: Roman Torchwick , 50k from the police and 469k from The Don him self. Tell me why shouldn't I kill you here ?
Roman: you stole Neo from ME !!! Why should I tell you anything?
William: cause if you don't I'll kill every single man you have and then kill you and get the bounty The Don has on you , you don't wanna mess with Mafia now do you ?
Roman: Fine , what do you want ?
William: I want the location and where about of Cinder Fall and Adam Taurus
Roman: look...buddy, what your asking is for me to get fuck by that crazy BDSM chick , and no I'm not talking about the blonde one . What do you give me in return?
William: protection , there's a friend of mine in Atlas he can help you , he runs a bar
Roman: Yea cause a running a Bar makes me feel safe , what assures  my safety  ?
William: Wade FUCKING Wilson
Roman: ok , you got yourself a deal , Adam is known to be at the White Fang Camp in the outskirts of Vale , they are working on something, I think the fall of Beacon , cause of all the dust they have made me grab is more than to arm an Army to the teeth. And ms Cinder is a more tricky one , I rarely see her my self, but I believe she's at Beacon dress as a student...

I then give him a massive grin  that even him finds disturbing.

Roman: your gonna kill her in plain sight aren't you ?
William: yes , it's only finding the right moment. Thank you Roman for this wonderful information. Now if I were you , I would get the fuck out of here , cause if not I'm killing you .

Before I can say another word he runs pass he's men and starts to bang at the closed door and I text Jr to open them. Once there open he runs like a bitch.

William: Neo did you get that ?
Neo: yes , I'll get the preparations ready , I'll see you back in Beacon
William: Neo.....take care please
Neo: of course , who else will annoy you ?
William: Fuck you
Neo: please
William: I see what you did there

After that I got on my bike and went back to Beacon.
I started walking around to see if I could spot Cinder , but sadly I couldn't. Cause shortly after that a fucking Red comet crashes into me.

Ruby: William!!!! I need a favor !!!
William: I'm not beating up the bending machines again cause they ate a lien
Ruby: nononono, it's that Yang has gone missing and and Blake too and I haven't seen them since yesterday after we left your dorm

I then started thinking until I had an idea.

William: have you tried the downtown motel , after all it's a Saturday
Ruby: why would they be at a motel on a Saturday?

Shit , I forgot she's 16 and Yang is supper protective over her. I'll have to do something quick before she gets suspicious.

William: Ruby.....I think they are just going out and staying there since is almost summer and everything.
Ruby: ohhh , I see

I then see that her face gets sad and she seems a little down.

William: is there something I said ?
Ruby: no , it's that I forgot about something and now I remembered . It's not your fault
William: why what happened?
Ruby: my mother was named Summer
William: look I'm sorry it was an accident
Ruby: I know , but don't worry , if she were here I know she would tell me to walk it off
William: wanna come to my place and watch a movie , Neo is on her way maybe you can join us
Ruby: I would like that

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