Chapter 8 : the end of the snake

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William POV

This will be the end of this , One job and we can go , one last job. Neo will be happy about this , even if I have to keep Jaune in silence I will be more than happy , that guy has been nothing more than a thorn in my way lately. There's no way I'm giving up cause like a guy like that. I swear that if he gets in my way one more time I'll take my knife and gut him and throw him in the streets. After carefully planning this last part of the plan I start to plant bugs all over the hall of were they are staying, and carefully plant a wireless tab that's also a micro USB wall adapter. After I'm done with that I start spying them for a week , I have notice that Cinder is the one that spends more time there , which will be perfect for what I have installed. I decide to walk back to my dorm after I finished following Emerald and Mercury. But I was thrown to a wall on my way there.

Jaune : look , don't think I haven't noticed what you did , they may be idiots but I'm not. I have been on you after that blowing your car with her inside incident , I know you killed them , and I'm planning on telling Ozpin and the police , you will not get away with this !!!
William:..ha...ha ha ha HA HA HA !!!
Jaune: what are you laughing about ?!!!

I then stick a tranquilizer I was planning on using on Cinder or the others if they notice me but hey , it works.

I then walk back to my dorm and clean a room and cover it in plastic, once I'm done with that I take Jaune's armor off and place him in a chair. To make sure he doesn't scape I wrap his hands in duct tape. After he's waking up I go to him.

Hmm , what should I do with him , torture him , kill him , rape him ? I don't know , I should call Trevor, well , then again that ended horribly the last time.
Maybe I'll have some fun with him. I play one of my favorite classical songs so no one can hear he's screams for help.

I take out a garden scissor and go near him.
(Play the song)

Jaune: WHAT are you doing?!!! YOUR INSANE!!!
William: you see Jaune , I can't have you around if your planing of getting revenge on my sister
Jaune: you killed her , and her team !!!
William: True but her team attack and betrayed me , in other words I had every right in the world to kill her team. And for my sister , her sister brought Neo into these war that we had and that was when they made their first mistake. Now what do you say ?
Jaune: why ?
William: didn't I answer you that already ?
Jaune: no , not that , why do you do this , kill people with out a second thought , all for the money ?
William: you see , Jaune!!! when they threw me away I didn't had much of a choice . So I took the thing that people were to afraid to do , like for example, I have to get rid of you before Oz kills me
Jaune: WHAT ?!!! Your working for him ?!!!
William: Yea
Jaune: does Atlas know ?
William: mhm

I can see he has no hope of living by this point , I'm no psycho but I'm not gonna show sympathy for him. I go to him and sit next to him and bring out a bottle of whiskey. I pour 2 cups and bring a gun out. I then cut a hand free so he can drink with me.

William: Johnny boy , did you loved my sister ?
Jaune: ...
William: take a drink if that's a yes

He then drinks the entire cup I gave him. Good , now to the game , I stab him in the hand and he screams like a bitch. I then take my drink too and punch him in the face.

William: you see Jaune that drink I gave you has a agent that cancels the effect of ones aura, in other words we're both with out one , but here's the trick , the drug makes you pain addict, it works like this , when I inflict pain, that sends a message to the sensory cortex and in return the drug activates the dopamine in your system tricking your body that your in great pleasure but instead your in great pain making your body have no use to use your aura ,on simpler terms the more pain I inflict the more the drug will work on you

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