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Warning: sexual content

"You can drive, right?" I asked Lauren as we pulled up outside the party. "Because chances are I'm going to get totally fucked."

"Yes, I can drive," she assured me.

I pulled up to the curb and cut the engine, turning off the lights and pulling the key out of the ignition. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out and Lauren followed. We walked towards the house together but kept our distance. I could hear the bass from the music even as we walked up the driveway and already knew I was in for a wild night. Micah's parties were always crazy. I pushed the door open and stepped inside, the smell of alcohol and smoke hitting me the second I was through the doorway. I turned to make sure Lauren was still following me and found her staring at me uncertainly.

"Relax, okay?" I encouraged. "We'll only be here for a few hours."

"If my parents find out I'm here they'll lose it," she worried.

"Then don't let them find out," I shrugged.

I moved through the crowd and towards the kitchen, knowing I'd find my friends crowded around the refreshments. Sure enough, they greeted both me and Lauren with shots the second we walked through the door.

"I see you brought company," Andrew smirked.

I swallowed the shot and handed the glass back to him. Micah leaned in close to my ear and placed a hand on my shoulder. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and knew he was already wasted. I wasn't entirely sure that he even knew Lauren was with me until I felt him smile.

"You know where my bedroom is if you need it," he told me.

"Guys, this is Lauren," I introduced. "Remember? From the stairs the other day."

"Of course I remember," Andrew smiled. "It's nice to formally meet you."

"I wouldn't exactly call this formal," Lauren laughed anxiously.

I glanced down to the shot glass in her hand and chuckled to myself at the sight of it still full in her grasp. I placed a hand on her shoulder and took it from her, holding it out in front of us and patting her supportively.

"Do you want me to show you how to take a shot the right way?" I questioned.

"I...I said I'm not drinking," she reminded me.

"Just one won't hurt," I assured her. "Besides, you'll barely taste it this way."

She looked around at my friends for proof, though I wasn't entirely sure why, and they all nodded. They already knew what I was planning. Step one of winning the bet was officially underway. I grabbed Lauren's hand and led her through the house and into the entryway by the stairs. It was practically empty except for a few stragglers, and I figured if I was going to get her to agree to drink I would have a better chance if no one was around to see it. Andrew and Micah followed after us with the necessary ingredients in hand- a lime and a wash rag.

"Wait...I think I've seen this in a movie before," Lauren realized.

"Probably, but it's much better in real life," I laughed.

"Okay...so which of you am I doing it with?" she asked, pointing between Andrew and Micah.

They both laughed and nodded towards me. Lauren whipped around with a look between shock and disgust on her face and I returned the gesture with a smile. I grabbed the wash rag from Andrew's hand and dipped it in Lauren's shot glass, soaking the corner as much as I could.

"Don't be so nervous," I smirked. "It's better than it sounds."

I handed the shot glass to Andrew and stepped closer to Lauren. She took a step back but I grabbed her wrist to stop her, pulling her close enough to feel her ragged breaths against my skin.

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