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Warning: Sexual Content

The day after our date was remarkably different in comparison to the weeks that Lauren and I had spent together prior. At school I made it a point to walk her to every single one of her classes regardless of how far they were and despite her annoyed protests, but she eventually gave in and we found ourselves talking every chance we got. She didn't come over after school due to previous engagements, and I began to notice that even the few hours between the end of school and the start of it the next day was far too long to endure her absence. I just wanted to see her all the time.

On Wednesday, she eventually gave up on the idea that it would be safer for her to drive to my house as opposed to ride with me, and she allowed me to pick her up for school that morning. I arrived over an hour before I was even set to wake up, coming face to face with a very groggy and very unamused Lauren when she opened the door to her apartment.

"Good morning," I smiled, pushing past her and allowing myself inside.

"Camz, do you have any idea how early it is?" she groaned.

"Well, I know how to tell time," I shrugged. "So yes, I am aware that it's early."

She rolled her eyes and shut the door, dragging her feet through the tiny living space until she reached her bedroom. I followed behind her and threw myself onto the bed, sitting up against the headboard and watching her as she sleepily tried to locate her clothes. The desk lamp that supplied the light was dim, but even in the darkness I could tell how breathtakingly attractive she was. Her bright eyes still glistened even though the bags under them signified that she was well on her way to exhaustion. Her hair cascaded down her back in messy waves and she wore nothing but an oversized t-shirt and underwear. I'd never seen someone so sexy without makeup and sporting pajamas.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"They left for work already," she answered flatly.

I nodded and pushed myself off of the bed, walking aimlessly around her room, staring at the posters on her walls although my sights were set on her.

"You look tired," I observed.

"Yeah, because it's five in the fucking morning," she snapped.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling and stepped over to her slowly, wrapping one arm around her from behind and brushing my fingertips under the hem of her t-shirt. My other hand found her hip as I leaned in close enough so that my lips just barely brushed over her ear.

"I can wake you up," I whispered.

I felt her clench her jaw and suck in a sharp breath, her muscles tensing up against my touch. I pressed my lips lightly to her neck, pulling the collar of her shirt down enough to kiss from her jawline to her shoulder. She shivered but broke out of my grasp, stepping away from me and returning her attention to the clothes in her dresser.

"Don't do that to me," she mumbled.

"What?" I smirked.

"You know what."

"I'm afraid I don't," I teased. "You're going to have to be a little more detailed than that."

"Turn around," she demanded, ignoring my request.

"Why?" I chuckled.

"Because I have to get ready."

I walked backwards towards the bed and sat down on the edge, crossing my arms over my chest and staring blankly at her.

"I think you've forgotten that I've seen you naked on several occasions," I reminded her.

"But this is different," she argued.

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