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I'd never been so pissed in my entire life. To hear the four- well, three minus Micah- single most important people in my life tell me that I was overreacting, that I was the reason everything went wrong was the worst punishment I could have possibly faced. What was I being punished for? I didn't know, but lying in my bed completely alone with nothing but my music to comfort me, I would have preferred jail time to the silence I was forcing myself I endure. I wasn't angry with Lauren, I was angry with the situation. She'd comforted me so many times before, yet when I really needed her, it seemed like she just choked. I wasn't sure what we were anymore. We hadn't broken up, but I was making it a point not to speak to her until I could make sense of everything that had happened, and I knew I was drastically upset by it. I just laid in my room every day for over a week, too afraid to even leave the house in fear that the cops might be waiting outside my front door. I knew it was ridiculous, but it all seemed like a sick game to me, like the police had been following us since our raid on the convenience store and were just waiting for the right opportunity to attack. In my opinion, it was better safe than sorry. I heard a powerful knock on my door and pulled out my ear buds, turning on my side as my dad pushed his way into my room.

"Can I come in?" he asked hesitantly.

I nodded and paused my music, throwing my phone to the side and sitting up against the headboard. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed a supportive hand on my knee, catching me off guard. He wasn't exactly the affectionate type, and he definitely wasn't physically affectionate.

"How are you doing?" he sighed.

"Better," I nodded.

He'd been incredibly present in my life over the few days following the incident at the fair grounds. I didn't really have anyone to talk to, what with my three best friends not speaking to me and the other in jail and all, and I'd taken the time to confide in him for the first time in years. He'd just listened, hearing everything I had to say and not once judging me for my behavior. I promised him that I didn't smoke and he believed me, although he did pull the, "I'm not mad, just disappointed," card a few times. It was still strange for me, though, to suddenly have him back in my life even though he'd practically treated me like I was invisible for seventeen years.

"Have you talked to Lauren?" he questioned.

"No," I admitted. "I don't think she wants to talk to me. I was kind of a bitch."

"You need to talk to her, sweetie," he encouraged. "I like Lauren. I don't want to see you two fall apart because of one stupid mistake."

"Mom doesn't like her."

"Well, mom's not here," he chuckled.

I nodded and pulled my knees to my chest, forcing him to remove his hand from my leg.

"Where is she?" I wondered aloud.

"Ah, doing some errands," he shrugged. "I'm sure she'll be back in a little while. I wanted to talk to you about something while she's gone, actually."

"Go for it."

"Well, as you know I'm good friends with the chancellor at the University of Wilmington," he started.


"I spoke to him a few weeks ago, just asking about basic scholarship opportunities and financial plans," he explained. "He alluded to the fact that he might be able to help us out. I told him what an excellent student you are- leaving out your behavior, of course- and he said with your grades and GPA, you have enough credentials to go to college one year early."

"Are you serious?" I gasped, jolting upright as my eyes went wide. "You weren't lying about that?"

"Of course not," he laughed. "Are you interested?"

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