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I was completely frozen solid. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was trying to run away, but Lauren's eyes had me glued to the floor. She backed away slowly but her attention remained on me. I should have been glad, but the feeling in my stomach as her eyes burned into me was almost painful. She didn't just make me nervous anymore. She flipped my insides upside down.

"Looks like you two are headed to a party," she observed.

I opened my mouth to answer but Andrew cut me off. I silently thanked him, though. I probably would have made a fool of myself if I'd tried to speak in the state I was in.

"We're actually heading back to one right now," he told her.

"Whose party?" she asked.

"That guy, Austin," he answered. "You know, the asshole from school that tries to sleep with everyone."

"Oh...I know him," she nodded.

An eerily uncomfortable silence fell over us and I finally snapped out of my daze, backing away from the group just enough to get some air.

"Are you going to pay or not?" the cashier whined, glaring at Lauren from behind the counter.

Lauren sat her belongings on the nearest shelf and shook her head, smiling politely as she headed outside. Andrew and I followed her to her car and she leaned against it, watching me thoughtfully.

"I guess I'll see you later," she told me.

I didn't answer. I just stood there, my mouth hanging open with no sound escaping my lips until she nodded and got in the car. What was wrong with me? I didn't have a problem speaking to people. In fact, being outgoing was probably one of my best qualities, but I just couldn't bring myself to say anything to Lauren, and I had a feeling it was because she took my breath away. She started her car and Andrew nudged my shoulder, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.

"What the fuck, Mila? Say something!" he prompted. "She's about to drive off."

"What am I supposed to say?" I worried. "I already made an ass of myself."

He shook his head in utter disbelief and walked away, heading back for the car and leaving me on the sidewalk. Lauren flipped on her headlights and began to back out, but before I could stop myself I was at her window, knocking forcefully until she rolled it down.

"Do you want to come with us?" I asked, my voice cracking mid-sentence.

A small chuckle escaped her lips and she cut the engine, stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut behind her.

"Sure," she laughed.

"Wait...really?" I gasped.

"I have nothing better to do," she shrugged. "Besides, I haven't seen you in a week. I might miss you just a little bit..."

She pushed past me and met Andrew at the car, sharing a few words of acknowledgment that I couldn't hear and climbing in the backseat. I was stunned again. Of course, the moment I found the courage to speak, she took the words right out of my mouth with her own. I had to get a grip. I wasn't going to slip that easily. I found my way to the car and climbed inside, taking a deep breath as we headed back to the party.


"What the fuck took you guys so long?" Austin demanded as we stepped through the door.

I looked around at the nearly vacant household. The once raging party was completely dead except for a small group in the living room, gathered around the couch with a six pack in the middle of the coffee table.

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