I was sitting in the outside part of the daycare, looking at the sky. Everyone else had a Morty manipulator chip on their arm everyone but me. I was a "wild" Morty who stumbled into a Rick inhabited place, the nurse Rick found me all bruised and beaten. He healed me up and looked for the chip that was supposed to be on my arm. When he didn't find it he sent me over to the daycare. I've been here ever since, I've met a lot of Morty's over time. Some mindless Morty's and some just like me, chipless and free.
I heard the daycare Rick yell; "Alright you little shits come and get lunch.". All the Morty's around me started to run to Rick as he passed out the food. I sighed and waited for everyone to get food before I got mine. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around, it was Shadow Morty. He handed me his food.
"Aw jeez, are you sure? It's your food." I asked him. He never spoke, he simply nodded. I took it from him and ate a couple of bites. He was the only Morty in the whole place who actually understands me. Everyone else thought I was weird since I am the only girl Morty there.
"So, how do you plan on escaping this time Shadow?" I asked while finishing my food. He looked at me and shook his head. He's been trying to escape for a couple of months now, every time he failed.
"I'm telling you, it's the chip that's preventing you from leaving." I said pointed at the chip in his solid black arm. I heard some kind of whisper that sounded like; "Take it off...". We paused for a moment.
"Did you just......?" I asked, he shook his head in response. I looked at the chip and reached out to grab it. All of a sudden Rick yelled it was time for everyone to go inside. At least twenty Morty's started running toward us to get to the door. They had swept Shadow away leaving me alone while they all crowded the door. Once everyone was inside, caretaker Rick made sure that was everyone. He saw me sitting on the ground still.
"Hey Morticia come on sweetie time to come in." I heard him say in a little irritated voice. I stood up and sighed, walking to the door. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry you'll be out of here someday." He told me, like he did everyday. I nodded giving him a hug. I walked over to the bedroom where all of us slept. Shadow was waiting for me by the door. I heard the same whisper again but this time it said; "Please Morticia...".
"Ok just hold still it might hurt a little bit." I told him as a took hold of his the chip. I pulled it slowly, I felt as I could sense his pain. I finished pulling it off, and let out a small sigh.
"There you go. Welcome to the Rickless club." I joked. He looked back at the other Morty's who were further away.
"Thank....You.." He said. I couldn't see his mouth move. Rick came in and told us to get in bed. We all complained then he pulled out a spray bottle.
"Get in bed now or I will use this." Rick said holding the trigger. Most of the others scrambled into bed after that. Shadow and I weren't scared of the bottle, anymore. There were bunk beds, I slept on the bottom and Shadow liked to sleep under my bed for some reason. While everyone else was asleep, I stayed up and tried to make it back to the outside.
"I need some fresh air." I whispered, getting up off my bed. The door to the outside was not locked, so I never had to risk myself getting me caught trying to unlock it. I opened the door that lead through the bed room to the out side counter, where Rick's came to get their Morty out of daycare. It was barred up when it was really late so none of us could get that way. I opened the door to the outside part of the daycare. I liked to stay out here and look at the stars, wondering if I'd ever get a Rick. There was a Rick guard outside the gate outdoor gate. We made a deal, I can sneak out and watch the sky as long I as I keep him awake during his nightly shift.
"Hey Rick." I said laying down on the ground. He looked at me through the laser fence.
"Out again? Normally you come out here once a week." He sounded a little confused. I sighed and told him about me wanting a Rick. He told me not to sweat it and that I'd get one, someday maybe tomorrow. I looked at the stars, as if they were telling me something. Who knew my life as a Rickless Morty would soon come to an end.

Rick and Morticia: Pocket Mortys edition
Fanfiction* This was a draft to see if people would like it, but now it's gonna be a full fledge story * (**This does not tie into the last story**) ((Also told in Morticia's POV but Bonus chapters will be in different POV)) "Rick of C-342, It has come to our...