(This is back in Morticia's POV)
(Also I am not dead.)Team:
Morticia (Normal)
Shadow Morty (Scissors)
Prisoner Morty (Rock)
Bartender Morty (Rock)Rick woke all of us super early in the morning. He wanted to get a good look around the place before he decided to leave. Everyone else refuses to get up. I was already up and was carefully shaking Shadow awake. After what seemed like an hour we finally got everyone up. We found the path again and followed it. I heard the sound of a portal whirling in the distance, rushing past Rick and the others.
"Morticia! Where are you going?!" I heard Rick shout. As the disappeared from view the sound of whirling got louder. Then I ran into something....and fell flat on my back, holding my face.
"....Shit..." I said holding my face. I sat up and saw a stage like area where a Rick was standing in the middle of it. He was just standing there blowing a bubble with his gum every so often.
"Ugh it's just another wild one. Get lost. I'm waiting for a Morty trainer." The Rick said popping a bubble. When he said that my Rick came running to me.
"Morticia why did you run off like that?" He asked helping me up.
"I heard a portal. I wanted to see where it was coming from. I found it but I also found this stage like thing." I said with my hands still on my face.
"Looking for the portal home? Its right here behind me. If you want to leave you have to have a Morty battle with me." The other Rick said putting another piece of gum in his mouth. I heard my Rick sigh and he lead all of us to the stage.
"Alright. I'm gonna make all of your Morty's faint!" The other Rick said in a cocky voice, he send out a Morty wearing a....Morty costume...? (Mascot Morty, Paper)
"Alright Morticia you can take this one." Rick said looking at the others. I nodded and tackled the other Morty. I almost had him dazed but he punched me off of him. I got back up and lunged myself at him. This finally dazed him and leaving me weak.
"You took out my strongest Morty. I guess I underestimated you." The other Rick said looking a little shocked. His next Morty was one who looked normal except his eyes were replaced with diamonds. (Diamond eyes Morty, Scissors) Rick looked at the rest of our team, wondering who to send out next. I looked at him with a weak, pissed look. I pointed to both Mr. Bartender and the felon. He said screw it and send out prisoner Morty.
"You can do it Morty. Just act like you are fighting the prison guards." I said as I sat down from being too weak to stand. He nodded and drop kicked the other Morty. The other Morty got back up and did something gross, I had no idea what it was but I heard our Morty scream in horror. Felon looked away and started to blindly swing at the other Morty. He dazed him within a few punches. The Rick was starting to look angry.
"Now you are really asking for it. I'm gonna have to use my last Morty." He said sending out his last Morty. He looked like a normal Morty except he seemed well brainwashed or something like that. Upon closer expectation I saw he was an android. (Android Morty, Rock) Rick sent out Shadow, I knew Shadow was going to be weak against him but I couldn't interfere even if I tried. Shadow tried his best to take down the android but he was only chipping its health away little by little. He managed to paralyze the android but Shadow became weak. I had asked Rick to switch him out but he was arguing with the other Rick about the council. Shadow was about to faint, I rushed in and switched Shadow out with myself. I took out the android with only a sliver of health left.
"Hey Rick the fights over!" Mr. Bartender said as I fell to the ground. Rick saw me fall and picked me up as we all walked into the portal.
"This is the first battle of many...." I muttered quietly as we went to the health center.

Rick and Morticia: Pocket Mortys edition
Fanfiction* This was a draft to see if people would like it, but now it's gonna be a full fledge story * (**This does not tie into the last story**) ((Also told in Morticia's POV but Bonus chapters will be in different POV)) "Rick of C-342, It has come to our...