Chapter 9 (Unedited)

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Percy's POV

I sat in my last lesson my knee frantically bouncing under the desk. I'd been sat still for almost an hour whilst my teacher droned on about America's involvement in World War Two. I was excited to be able to go see Will and Nico later, although I was not looking forward to the hour of studying that Annabeth and I had agreed to do first. Finally the bell rung, and I jumped out of my seat, my textbook and folder already packed back into my bag. I made eye contact with Annabeth - who unfortunately had been made to sit on the other side of the classroom by our history teacher. I gestured out the door, and she signalled to me that she was just going to stay to chat with our teacher for a minute first. Nodding, I hung back till the rest of our class had gone, perching on a desk whilst Annabeth talked quietly at the front of the classroom to Mr Skimner. I must have zoned out whilst staring at a poster depicting some sort of battle on the wall, because before I knew it Annabeth was snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Perce, you still in there?" she joked, a grin creeping onto her face.

"Wha- I mean yes, yes I'm ready." I hastily corrected myself. I pushed myself off of the desk and fell into step with Annabeth, heading towards the main exit. " So heading to the Library for an hour, then meet Will and Nico at McDonald's for Happy Meals, and then swing by your Aunt's place to pick up some clothes?" As we walked our hands brushed against each other, and I took the opportunity to intertwine our fingers. " The Blond walking about ten metres behind us keeps looking up to make sure that we haven't turned off - I think we've found another of our new friends." I muttered to Annabeth. She briefly dipped her head, signalling that, she too, had caught on to our tail. "I think that when we talk to Will and Nico we'll need to stick to Latin and Greek because we definitely have an audience today," she replied quietly. I nodded back, my hand unconciously retrieving Riptide from my pocket. I had a feeling that I would be needing it at some point this evening.

A few blocks later we arrived outside the public library and headed in, aware that our friend had been joined by a familiar readhead. "Hey Carol," I greeted the librarian at the desk, flashing the woman a friendly grin. Annabeth and I had spent a lot of time here over the last few months, to the point that I had gotten onto a first name basis with all of the Librarians. "Hello Percy," she replied warmly. "Would you like the key card to open study room F?" Immediately I nodded back at her. The local library had a series of group study areas A through to H, and F was my favourite one. The office chairs in there were the only ones that didn't squeak when you moved, and one wall was glass allowing me a great view to distractedly stare at. "You know the drill," She said handing me the card, and a sign out sheet. "Put your names in the box, and the time that you're going into the room, which is ... 3:23 pm." I followed her instructions, pencilling in our names and the time, before heading off to the back of the library. Sliding the key card through the lock of Room F's door, I pushed it open with my foot. We dumped our bags and folders on the large table before closing, and carefully locking, the door.

"Let's take a few minutes to relax and chat before we start doing any more work, my brain has done so much working today that it needs to reboot." Annabeth chuckled, and shook her head at my words, but still momentarily paused her unpacking of textbooks. "What do you want to talk about Percy?" Unprepared I froze, not expecting her to have agreed with me in the first place. "Um well - you see - "

"Relax Perce," she laughed. We can take a break for a minute, I need to call my aunt to let her know that we'll be going over later to pick up some of my stuff anyway. If you unpack your stuff we can go over what we covered in English Literature today, and make some revision posters and flash cards in Greek." As she pulled out her cell phone, I started to pull my English notebook out of my bag, digging to the bottom to find my coloured pens and highlighters.

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